The 11th edition of the International Conference of Aerospace Sciences – AEROSPATIAL 2024

17-18 October 2024 – Bucharest, Romania
The “AEROSPATIAL” Conferences held at INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” (under the aegis of The Romanian Academy) are unique in Romania providing a meeting space for local and foreign researchers in the field of Aviation Research as well as Space and Security with the aim to present, disseminate and promote scientific research and technological development results.
Main conference topics (additional topics could be included upon request):
- 1. Aerodynamics;
- 2. Flight Mechanics;
- 3. Astronautics and Astrophysics;
- 4. Materials and Structures;
- 5. Systems, Subsystems and Control in Aeronautics;
- 6. Experimental Investigations in Aerospace Sciences;
- 7. ATS and full Automation ATM;
- 8. Management in Aerospace Activities.
Associated events:
The “Nicolae Tipei” Prize Award Ceremony
The “Gheorghe Vasilca” Prize Award Ceremony
Tour of INCAS
Abstracts submission: 05.08.2024
Acceptance confirmation: 09.08.2024
Submission of full papers for INCAS BULLETIN: 21.10.2024
Details and additional information: