Located in Dolj County, near Craiova International Airport, on a site with a total area of 14,000 sqm, the new TGA Center will have a total built area of almost 8,000 sqm.

The TGA project – Technologies for Green aviation innovatively complements the AEROSPACE research infrastructure – Platform for Research, Numerical Simulation, Experimental Testing and Certification of Aerospace Vehicles, part of the ESFRI JSVFA proposal – Joint Simulation and Virtualization Facility in Aerospace, promoted in the national road-map. The new technology base will be accredited in accordance with industry standards (ISO and EASA) and will provide a wide range of high-tech, fully diversified services for future national and international partners.
The main objective of the TGA project is the development of an advanced technology center for the aerospace industry based on the principles of Industry 4.0, as a basic component of INCAS excellence research infrastructure, while ensuring the environment for capitalizing on the innovative potential associated with the development of “Green” technologies in the Aerospace field.
The TGA project offers substantial benefits and long-term sustainability. Taking advantage of the opportunity to create a modern, innovative, unique research and development technological center in Central and Eastern Europe, TGA will offer a synergistic valorization of investments in state-of-the-art equipment and technologies in the field of composite materials manufacturing (latest generation AFP robots) Fiber Placement and ATL – Automated Tape Laying), AM technologies – Additive Manufacturing / DMSL – Direct Metal Laser Sintering and SM – Subtracting Manufacturing, controlled atmosphere surface coatings for aerospace subassemblies and advanced design and control technologies.
TGA provides significant increase of scientific competitiveness on the international level of INCAS with a beneficial impact. The TGA platform offers unique technological development capabilities at higher levels of maturity (TRL 5 – TRL 7) offering both the protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) and the competitive exploitation of development strategies.
Located in Dolj County, near Craiova International Airport, on a site with a total area of 14,000 sqm, the new TGA Center will have a total built area of almost 8,000 sqm, accommodating two technological halls, office space, a laboratory area, as well as meeting and discussion lobbies and will insure the transfer of good practices for researchers, partners and collaborators.