

Efecte nestationare de unda de soc.

CTR. 146/15.04.2008 – AST4-CT-2005-012226-UFAST, NR. DE INREG. EU-RO 2005-12-09. 

For Specific Targeted Resarch Project
Six Framework Programme of the European Community

This consortium agreement (“Consortium Agreement”) is made and entered into on the 1st of july 2005 (the “Effective date”) by and among:Instytut Maszyn Przeplywowych im Roberts Szewalskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk having its registered Office at: Fiszera 14, Gdansk, 80-952, Poland, hereinafter referred to as IMP PAN

and hereinafter referred to as as the “Coordinator”, and

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, having its registered Office at: 3, rue Michel-Ange, 75794 PARIS cedex 16, France hereinafter referred to as CNRS-IUSTI

Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales having its registered Office at: 29 avenue de la division Leclerc, 92322 Chatillon, France hereinafter referred to as ONERA

The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge, having its registered Office at: Old Scolls Trinity Lane, CB2 1TN Cambridge, United Kingdom hereinafter referred to as UCAM_DENG

The European Community (the „Community„), represented by the Commission of the European Communities (the „Commission„), itself represented for signature of this contract by ACHILLEAS MITSOS, Director General for Research Directorate-General or this duly authorisedrepresentative,

of the one part,

and Instytut Maszyn Przeplywowych im Roberts Szewalskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk, established in Fiszera 14, Gdansk, 80-952, Poland, represented by Jaroslaw Mikielewicz, Director and/or Krystyna Kordus, Administration Manager or/his/their authorised representative, the contractor acting as coordinator of the consortium (the „coordinator„) and the other contractors identified in Article 1.2 below,

of the other part

HAVE AGREED to the following terms and conditions established in this contract and its annexes (the „contract„).

1. The consortium is composed of the contractor acting as coordinator and the followinglegal entities, who shall accede to that contract in accordance with the procedure reffered to in Article 2, as contractors assuming the rights and obligations established by the contract with effect from the date on wich it enters into force.

  • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France(„contractor„),
  • Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales, Chatillon, France („contractor„),
  • The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom („contractor„),
  • Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom („contractor„),
  • Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation („contractor„),
  • Technische Universiteit Delft, Delft, Netherlands („contractor„),
  • Institutul National de Cercetari Aerospatiale “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania („contractor„),
  • University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom („contractor„),
  • Universita degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Roma, Italy („contractor„),
  • University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom („contractor„),
  • Numerical Mechanics Application International, Brussels, Belgium („contractor„),
  • Institut National Polytecnique De Toulouse, Toulouse, France(„contractor„),
  • Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, established in Crete, Heraklion, Greece („contractor„),
  • Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully, France („contractor„),
  • EADS Deutschland GmbH, Ottobrunn, Germany („contractor„),
  • Instytut Lotnictwa – Institute of Aviation, Warsaw, Poland („contractor„),

(hereinafter referred to as the „contractors„)

Informații suplimentare se pot obține la sediul I.N.C.A.S. Bucureşti
Responsabil Proiect INCAS

Dr. ing. Cătălin NAE

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