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The ATLLAS II project (Aero-Thermodynamic Loads on Lightweight Advanced Structures II) is made around the experience and technological developments obtained within the ATLLAS I project, being a natural continuation of it.

For more information, please visit the official project page website

Project title: Aero-Thermodynamic Loads on Lightweight Advanced Structures II

Capacity Program: Ctr. 245 EU/2013

Project acronym: ATLLAS II

The total budget of the project (in EURO): 6,536,057.20

Project duration (months): 48

Project start date (month/year): March/2011

Project completion date (month/year): March/2015

Project summary

And this project is focused around advanced materials that are very light and resistant to high temperatures in close connection with the design of a high-speed aircraft. Previous studies have shown that the optimal cruise speed is around Mach 5-6. Following the suggestions of the evaluators, in this case a feasibility study and a detailed project is proposed, which aims to develop a globally optimized vehicle in terms of aerodynamics, propulsion, structure and thermal insulation layer, while simultaneously taking into account the regulations in force regarding emissions and sonic boom attenuation. The previously developed and validated tools will allow the consortium to approach and improve the multi-disciplinary design process.

In parallel, a considerable effort is foreseen to be made for the expansion of the existing database, related to the manufacturing materials of the aircraft structure and the structure related to the propeller, with information on durability. Also, new materials are considered to cope with the previously encountered limitations.

The general line of the ATLLAS-II project fully aligns with the objectives of the FP7 2010 program. The supersonic transport aircraft will have a capacity of 200 passengers and a speed of over Mach 2.8. When the aircraft flies so fast for long periods of time, the friction between the air, fuselage and wings leads to significant heating of the latter. For example, an aircraft flying at Mach 3 will cool by about 300 degrees C due to this friction. The maximum temperature of the external surface will be 350 degrees C. For Mach 6 the external temperature will be around 1200 degrees C. The combination of extreme requirements, regarding the levels of mechanical stress, high temperatures as well as the extended life of the aircraft ( 25,000 cycles), presents a challenge from the point of view of using materials without introducing excessive weight and costs. From the point of view of the aircraft configuration, a compromise must be made, aiming for a minimum forward resistance in supersonic flight regime and a controllability and maneuverability good in subsonic mode. From the point of view of the design of airliners, the most important is the ratio of lift/resistance to forward movement (L/D), affecting parameters related to costs such as maximum cruising distance, fuel consumption and payload.

Additional information can be obtained at I.N.C.A.S. Bucharest
project coordinator - Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)

Markus Kuhn

Telefon:+49 711 6862-8408 Fax:+49 711 6862-227
coordinator Romania INCAS

Catalin Nae Telefon:+40 21 434 01 83 Fax:+40 21 434 01 82
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