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Autonomous Flight Termination Unit.


U-Space Separation Management


Collaborative system development for exploring aviation product, service and business model systems.


Improving the research capabilities of the Romanian Center for Microphysics in the Cloud


INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” from Romania is involved in SALTO project that will advance Europe’s first reusable rocket.


Multi-MW Hybrid-Electric Propulsion System for Regional Aircraft.


Promoting excellence and recognition seal of European aerospace Universities.

Aeronave cu Aripi Fixe Inteligente – Demonstrator Tehnologic Integrat

The "Clean Sky" project represents the response of the European aeronautical industry to the demands of the public and private environment regarding the development of aircraft with a reduced impact on the environment and which offer the possibility of sustained economic growth. The research project, with a planned duration of seven years, will combine public and private capacities in order to develop and introduce advanced technologies for the next generation of aircraft. The main purpose of these technologies is to reduce polluting emissions, the noise generated by air traffic and to reduce aircraft fuel consumption.


GRA - GREEN REGIONAL AIRCRAFT ITD (Green Regional Transport Aircraft - Integrated Technological Demonstrator)


The goal of TheBarCode project is the development of materials through appropriate methods and models for manufacturing, monitoring, evaluating and predicting the overall energy performance and efficiency of new thermal barrier layer structures - TBC for energy generating systems.


Previous studies on ARV vehicles have illustrated that hybrid TPS systems based on ablators integrated with thermo-structural materials are suitable candidates. Europe has limited research on ablative materials, these being almost abandoned since the ARD missions of the 80s. Recently, ESA's Moon robotic exploration program calls for ablative solutions for the thermal protection of planetary probes.


Raising European Students Awareness in Aeronautical Research Through School-Labs’ is the main objective of the project REStARTS.


The concept proposed by AfloNext is based on 6 technological flows focused on advanced technologies for the main directions considered essential for increasing aircraft performance.

High Altitude Ice Crystals

HAIC (High Altitude Ice Crystals) is an integrated FP7-AAT type L2 project, which aims to analyze ice particles at high altitude and improve aircraft safety when flying in clouds and in icing conditions.

Efficient Systems and Propulsion for Small Aircraft

The project "Efficient Systems and Propulsion for Small aircraft" -ESPOSA-, has as its main object the development of small turbine engines, power up to 1000kW, to equip (civilian) aircraft with a maximum transport capacity of 19 passengers (regulated by CS23 - FAR-23).


The ATLLAS II project (Aero-Thermodynamic Loads on Lightweight Advanced Structures II) is made around the experience and technological developments obtained within the ATLLAS I project, being a natural continuation of it.


Distributed Maintenance Training Infrastructure.


AeroPortal -Support for European Aeronautical SMEs


Unsteady effect of shock wave induced separation.


Enabling Grids for E-sciencE


South Eastern European Grid - enabled infrastructure Development 2.


Aerodymanic Validation of Emission Reducing Technologies.


The new generation of CS-23 category aircraft - Cost Effective Small AiRcraft.


Services for CollaboRative Aeronautical TeChnical researcH


Services for CollaboRative Aeronautical TeChnical researcH


Interoperable Management of Aeronautical Generic Executive Software


Colaborative Working in Aeronautical Supply cHain


Joint Cypriot-Romanian Air Pollution Dispersion Research Studies for EU Harmonization.


Placing satellite objects at low and medium altitudes still requires the consumption of very large financial and technical resources, which limits access to the utilities offered by such orbital stations (usually without human personnel).


The proposed project has as its major orientation the irrigation of agricultural surfaces located both in hilly areas and in plain areas, areas where the frequency and intensity of air currents is reduced. Unlike the high-power installations used in regions with high wind potential (mountainous and coastal areas), the project aims to capitalize on the lower wind potential, specific to the plain areas, which are the main agro-food sources.


The project is integrated into the current research, on an international level, regarding the creation of new, advanced materials with applications in top fields of the aerospace industry.


Aeronautical morphing structures are defined in specialized literature as intelligent structures with the ability to change their characteristics under the action of external stimuli.


New performance horizons of materials that operate in extreme conditions are accessible by accumulating and correlating the material expertise associations, now dispersed, in different applications in the aeronautical, space, steel, energy industries.


The micro-vehicles with flapping wings (MAB) are small aerial devices, designed for researching closed spaces, such as: buildings, tunnels, chimneys, etc. MAB can also take over other missions, this time outside, namely the execution of reconnaissance in dangerous areas, such as a contaminated land. The advantage of MAB lies in the fact that fixed-wing micro-air vehicles are too fast to maneuver between buildings.


Inorganic polymer-layered nanocomposites as reinforced hybrids at the nanometric scale.


The project aims to organize, develop and operate a specific infrastructure for regional air transport at the level of Romania and in the immediate vicinity, with major implications for regional development.


Structural health monitoring in spacecraft structures using piezoelectric wafer active sensors and multimodal guided waves.


Dynamic Launching and Recovery procedures from High Altitudes.
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