75 years of history
With a tradition of 75 years in aerospace engineering, flow physics, and applied aerodynamics using cutting-edge technologies.
The institutional vision of INCAS is for a technologically multicultural and interconnected world and is based on a deep understanding of the mechanisms that drive research and development on both national and international levels, as well as on strategic studies conducted on a European level, and international cooperation, in which INCAS is an active party.

National Institute
INCAS S.A. is awarded with the status of National Institute and becomes INCAS - the National Institute for Aerospace Research "Elie Carafoli", the most important research and development entity in the aerospace field in Romania.

The Aviation Institute is reorganized together with the entire Romanian aeronautical industry into several research and development and specialized industrial entities, the resulting ones thus becoming stock companies.

1985 – 1990
The Aviation Institute
INCREST’s name was changed and became The Institute for Aerospace Scientific Research and Technological Engineering -ICSITAV.
ICSITAV is transformed into The Aviation Institute, becoming the main Research and Design institution in the aeronautical field in Romania.

1968 – 1985
The Institute of Fluid Mechanics becomes ICPAS - Institute of Aerospace Research and Design, and soon receives the name IMFCA - Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Aerospace Research. IMFCA is reorganized under the name of INCREST - The National Institute for Technological and Scientific Creation, being associated under this name with the most important achievements in the fields of research and aerospace industry of Romania.
The first military jet aircraft made in Romania

1949 – 1968
The Institute of Fluid Mechanics
The Applied Mechanics Institute within the Romanian Academy is established. The Institute of Fluid Mechanics becomes its own entity focused on aeronautical and space fields.

Elie Carafoli