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Proces selecție candidaturi pentru ocuparea pozițiilor de Manager de obiectiv (RO)

INCAS anunta organizarea unui proces de selectie pentru ocuparea pozitiilor de Manager de Obiectiv in urmatoarele conditii:

Din lista de Obiective INCAS pentru care se organizeaza procesul de selectie, fac parte urmatoarele:

  1. Aviatie – configuratii de aeronave  
  2. Aviatie – operatiuni aeriene si la sol 
  3. Robotica spatiala 
  4. Tehnologii

INCAS organizeaza selectia in urmatoarele conditii: 

  • Participarea este posibila pentru toti salariatii INCAS care la data organizarii selectiei sunt compatibili profesional cu pozitia solicitata, au contract de munca pe durata nedeterminata cu INCAS si nu au calitatea de pensionar, respectiv nu indeplinesc conditiile legale de pensionare, dupa caz. 
  • Selectia candidatilor se va face de catre Consiliul Director INCAS, va fi aprobata de catre Directorul General INCAS.  
  • Durata unui mandat pentru o pozitie de Manager de Obiectiv este de 3 ani, cu incepere de la data de 20.03.2025
  • Rezultatul procesului de selectie va fi facut public pe site-ul INCAS si va fi implementat de catre INCAS incepand cu 20.03.2025

Procedura si documentele de participare la selectie sunt urmatoarele: 

  • Candidatul trebuie sa depuna o Cerere, in format liber, in care sa solicite explicit participarea in procesul de selectie, cu identificarea clara a pozitiei pentru care candideaza
  • Candidatul trebuie sa depuna un CV actualizat 
  • Candidatul trebuie sa depuna un Memoriu justificativ, in care sa prezinte succinct (maxim 3 pagini) 3 aspecte de baza pentru evaluare: 
  1. Competenta profesionala relevanta in domeniul pozitiei solicitate. Argumentele a fi furnizate trebuie sa faca referire succinta la grade profesionale dobandite/recunoscute in baza ROF INCAS si la aspiratiile/perspectiva in cariera profesionala, dupa caz, 
  2. Capacitate organizatorica si administrativa, cu prezentarea acelor elemente care sa motiveze interesul pentru a accede intr-o pozitie corespunzatoare, precum si un succinct plan de dezvoltare propus pentru pozitia la care solicitantul candideaza; Planul detaliat va fi anexat. 
  3. Justificare/asumare cu privire la probitatea morala si aspecte asociate cu deontologia profesionala, in stricta concordanta cu statutul personalului INCAS. Asumarea este pe proprie raspundere si va include obligatoriu si eventuale elemente ce tin de conflicte de interese, concurenta neloiala si/sau litigii/dispute ce implica imaginea INCAS, dupa caz
  • Candidatul trebuie sa depuna planul de dezvoltare detaliat pentru Obiectivul vizat
  • Candidatul trebuie sa faca dovada performantelor profesionale si certificarilor solicitate
  • Suplimentar, candidatul poate atasa la Cererea de inscriere orice set de documente care sa sustina candidatura propusa. 

Toate documentele (Cerere, Memoriu si altele, dupa caz) se vor transmite in format digital la adresa: 

Calendarul de desfasurare a selectiei este urmatorul: 

  • Depunerea Cererii pentru candidati : 03.03.2025 – 10.03.2025
  • Anunt rezultate proces de selectie : 14.03.2025 
  • Data estimata pentru implementare rezultate : 20.03.2025 

Managerul de Obiectiv este selectat in baza urmatoarelor criterii de competenta profesioanla:

  • performanta profesionala dovedita prin detinerea gradului stiintific CS2 /IDT2 – temporar pozitia poate fi ocupata si de CS3/IDT3 pana la definitivarea gradului CS2  
  • Experienta dovedita in identificarea si participarea in propuneri si proiecte internationale si nationale
  • Minim 3 ani experienta manageriala si/sau coordonare proiecte/programe;
  • Experienta internationala relevanta in specialitate;
  • Certificari recunoscute ca manager de proiect; 
  • Cunostrerea cadrului legislativ national si European in domeniul aeronauticii si spatiului;
  • Cunoastrea in detaliu a documentelor programatice Europene in domeniul aeronauticii si spatiului; 
  • Comunicare in limba engleza nivel avansat (C1) sau nivel profesionist (C2). 
  • Capacitate de planificare, organizare și gestionarea resurselor;
  • Capacitatea de a gândi creativ și de a identifica noi oportunități și soluții pentru a răspunde nevoilor autoritatilor contractante;
  • Abilități în construirea și cultivarea relațiilor cu partenerii și părțile interesate din domeniul aerospatial;
  • Abilități bune de comunicare și prezentare pentru a transmite idei complexe în mod clar către diverse audiențe, atât în cadrul institutului, cât și în exterior;
  • Abilități bune de lucru în echipă și de coordonare a mai multor echipe simultan;

Responsabilitatile Managerului de Obiectiv sunt urmatoarele: 

  • Asigura indeplinirea obiectivului in raport cu strategia institutului
  • pastreaza o evidenta clara a proiectelor, a resurselor umane si financiare implicate in proiecte
  • asigura o gestionare eficienta a bugetelor alocate proiectelor active din cadrul Obiectivului pe care il administreaza, in colaborare cu directorii de proiect si Compartimentul tehnico-administrativ
  • identifica și atrage oportunități de finanțare naționale și europene, 
  • formeaza consorții strategice și negociaza participarea INCAS in consortii. 
  • coordoneaza echipa INCAS, alaturi de directorul/responsabilul de proiect desemnat, in etapa de scriere a propunerii de proiect, 
  • creste vizibilitatea si accesul INCAS la informatii prin reprezentarea in asociatii, grupuri de lucru, etc. 

Anexa 1: Obiectivele propuse

  1. Aviatie – configuratii de aeronave  

Acest Obiectiv are in vedere dezvoltarea de concepte de aeronave și integrarea de sisteme avansate de mobilitate aeriană pentru operațiuni civile și militare, respectiv promovarea inovației în tehnologiile de aerodinamică, structuri, avionică și control al zborului, propulsie.

Vor fi integrate activitati ce au ca obiectiv principal dezvoltarea unui sistem integrat de mobilitate aeriană urbană (UAM), care să cuprindă atât aeronave eVTOL, cât și drone, precum și infrastructura și serviciile necesare pentru funcționarea eficientă a acestora.

Activitati orientate catre utilizarea capabilitatilor INCAS in participarea in proiecte cu aplicatii militare sau duale vor fi integrate tot in cadrul acestui Obiectiv.

  1. Aviatie – operatiuni aeriene si la sol 

i. Simulatoare de zbor si simulatoare ATM/UTM – optimizarea utilizarii tuturor resurselor INCAS de simulare (Flight Simulation Lab, Human Factors Lab, etc.) în cadrul proiectelor institutului, cu scopul de a obține rezultate cât mai precise și relevante

ii. Operatiuni aeriene si la sol  – activitati orientate catre mentinerea flotei de aeronave in functiune prin participarea in proiecte ce vizeaza campanii de zbor, cercetari topografice si atmosferice, aplicatii de mediu, supraveghere, monitorizare, etc.

  1. Robotica spatiala 

i. dezvoltare, fabricație, integrare, testare și operare a unor demonstratoare reutilizabile cu decolare și aterizare verticală bazate pe motor turbojet și pe motor rachetă ce sunt utilizate pentru simulare și validare în zbor a tehnologiilor spațiale;

ii. dezvoltarea și crearea mediilor de simulare în sase grade de libertate pentru vehicule autonome din domeniul spațial;

iii. dezvoltarea și implementarea algoritmilor de control avansat pentru vehicule reutilizabile propulsate de motor rachetă;

iv. dezvoltarea „flight software” pentru vehicule autonome care au drept scop sa acceseze spațiul cosmic;

v. testarea și validarea în zbor a tehnologiilor spațiale dezvoltate, atât în cadrul INCAS, dar și dezvoltate de parteneri europeni;

vi. dezvoltarea de programe avansate pentru simularea reintrării necontrolate și distructive a corpurilor spațiale scoase din uz sau trepte ale vehiculelor de lansare;

vii. proiectare preliminară a sistemelor de lansare prin utilizarea mediului de simulare dezvoltat în cadrul INCAS de optimizare multidisciplinară a acestor sisteme.

  1. Tehnologii

Prototipare digitala si fabricatie avansata (Digital Prototyping and Advanced Manufacturing)  

i. Concept, Design, Prototipare si Certificare 

ii. Dezvoltare de produs si suport 

Acest Obiectiv va reuni proiecte ce vor utiliza infrastructura de la TGA Craiova, cu finantare fie nationala fie EU, dar va cuprinde si toate activitatile de dezvoltare de produs, de fabricatie din cadrul celorlalte Obiective, inclusiv transfer tehnologic.

Anunț concurs atestare grade profesionale (RO)

Institutul Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Aerospatială “Elie Carafoli”- INCAS București organizează în perioada 15-17 ianuarie 2025 concurs pentru atestare grade profesionale și de ocupare posturi din structura de organizare funcțională a institutului, după cum urmează: Asistent cercetare si dezvoltare tehnologică, CS, CS III, CS II, CS I, IDT, IDT III, IDT II, IDT I.

Regulamentului în vigoare și metodologia privind condițiile de participare și desfasurare a concursului se găsesc aici.

Înscrierile se primesc până pe data de 13 ianuarie 2025, la sediul INCAS din bd. Iuliu Maniu nr. 220 București.

Program Național de Dezvoltare și Transfer Tehnologic (RO)

Pe 05.11.2024, la sediul INCAS din Strejnicu, Județul Prahova, a fost semnat protocolul de colaborare în domeniul cercetării stiințifice și dezvoltării tehnologice între Ministerul Economiei, Antreprenoriatului și Turismului si Ministerul Cercetării, Inovării și Digitalizării.

Protocolul interministerial are in vedere realizarea unui program național de dezvoltare și transfer tehnologic către industria de apărare, de sisteme aeriene și navale autonome.

Protocolul semnat de cei doi ministri, Ștefan-Radu Oprea și Bogdan-Gruia Ivan, se referă la 3 domenii de dezvoltare tehnologică:

  • Realizarea unei soluții tehnice de tipul ”Capabilitate aeriana fără pilot uman la bord, din categoria MALE (Medium Altitude Long Endurance) și scop dual de utilizare”;
  • Realizarea unei soluții tehnice pentru ”Conversia unor elemente de muniție clasică în sisteme aeriene autonome (Loitering munition);
  • Realizarea unei soluții tehnice complete de tipul ”Capabilitate maritimă multi-rol și multi-vehicul fără pilot uman la bord”;

Soluțiile tehnice vor conține toate elementele necesare operării, controlului și asigurarii tehnice și informatice pentru activitățile necesare.

INCAS, cu bogata sa experiență si capabilitățile de care dispune ca lider regional în domeniul ştiinţelor aerospaţiale din România, este partenerul ideal pentru a asigura validarea stiințifică și certificarea tehnologiilor specifice sistemelor autonome.

Protocolul semnat de cei doi miniştri stabileşte un mecanism pentru identificarea şi definirea cerinţelor organizaţiilor din Sistemul Naţional de Apărare, Ordine Publică şi Securitate şi pentru soluţionarea acestora prin expertiza, tehnologiile locale disponibile şi infrastructura de cercetare-dezvoltare, aflate atât în entităţi publice, cât şi private din sistemul naţional de cercetare-dezvoltare-inovare.

În cadrul parteneriatului, vor fi utilizate instrumentele de finanţare gestionate de Ministerul Cercetării, Inovării şi Digitalizării (MCID), care vor sprijini firme inovative pentru a adopta şi aplica rezultatele în vederea sporirii competitivităţii.

50 Years since the maiden flight of the IAR-93 VULTUR

IAR-93 50 de ani

The Association of Romanian Aeronautical Companies (OPIAR), together with INCAS –National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, the Romanian Air Force Staff (SMFA), the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIR), the Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR), the National Museum of Romanian Aviation (MNAvR), and the Romanian Association for the Promotion and History of Aeronautics (ARPIA) will organize the anniversary event “50 Years Since the First Flight of the IAR-93 VULTUR Aircraft”.

The anniversary event will take place on October 31, 2024, at the INCAS headquarters at 220 Iuliu Maniu Boulevard, Sector 6, Bucharest, starting at 10:00 AM, in the “Elie Carafoli” amphitheater.

50 de ani de la primul zbor al aeronavei IAR-93 VULTUR

Members of the working teams for the IAR-93 VULTUR program, as well as state officials will be present at the event.

The IAR-93 VULTUR aircraft was developed as a result of the agreement concluded between the governments of the Socialist Republic of Romania and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (the YUROM Program), regarding the joint design, construction, prototype testing, and mass production of a fighter aircraft, signed on May 20, 1971.

The cooperation stipulated an equal division of all development, production, and testing activities. On the Romanian side, the project director was Mr. Teodor Zanfirescu, technical director of the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Aerospace Research (IMFCA, now INCAS). The design work was carried out in collaboration with the VTI Zarkovo institute.

The Romanian prototype was built at the Bacău Aircraft Factory (now AEROSTAR), with contributions to some structural parts from the aviation companies IRMA Bucharest (now ROMAERO) and ICA Brașov (now IAR Brașov). Later, the program was integrated at the Craiova Aircraft Factory (now Avioane Craiova), where it was further modernized, with many components being assimilated domestically.

The prototype of the IAR-93 VULTUR fighter aircraft made its maiden flight on October 31, 1974, at the Bacău airport, flown by test pilot Gheorghe Stănică.

This aircraft represented the greatest achievement of the Romanian aviation industry at that time, and the series production of both single and dual-control versions of the IAR-93 VULTUR was carried out at the Craiova Aircraft Factory. Over time, the aircraft underwent multiple upgrades, and the aviation units in Craiova and Ianca were equipped with IAR-93 VULTUR.

The IAR-93 VULTUR marked a memorable milestone in Romania, being the first jet fighter designed, built at prototype level, series produced, and used by the Romanian Air Force. This project laid the foundation for the development of the entire Romanian aerospace industry through significant national effort and formed generations of specialists. A total of 86 IAR-93 VULTUR aircraft were delivered domestically, produced between 1975 and 1992.

50 de ani de la primul zbor al aeronavei IAR-93 VULTUR

Calendar desfășurare examen grade profesionale: ACS, CS, CS III, asistent IDT, IDT, IDT III – Noiembrie 2024 (RO)

  • Înscriere, depunere dosare:
    14 octombrie – 11 noiembrie 2024.
    Dosarele se primesc până în data de 11 noiembrie 2024, ora 12:00.
  • Proba scrisă specialitate:
    13-14 noiembrie 2024, ora 09:30
  • Proba orală specialitate:
    15 noiembrie 2024, ora 09:30

    Afișare rezultate preliminare: 20 noiembrie 2024
    Depunere contestații: 20-21 noiembrie 2024
    Soluționarea contestațiilor: 22 noiembrie 2024
    Afișare rezultate contestații: 22 noiembrie 2024
    Afișarea rezultatelor finale: 26 noiembrie 2024

Partner selection announcement – RO

În conformitate cu prevederile

  • Ghidului solicitantului aferent apelului de proiecte PCIDIF/159/PCIDIF_P1/OP1/RSO1.1/PCIDIF_A1.1, Măsura 1.1.2;

INCAS – Institutul Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Aerospațială “Elie Carafoli” din București,

Declanșează procesul de selecție a partenerilor privați (IMM-uri) în vederea încheierii unor Acorduri de Parteneriat pentru propuneri de proiecte, respectiv implementarea în comun a proiectelor depuse în cadrul Priorității 1 a Programului Creștere Inteligentă Digitalizare și Instrumente Financiare 2021-2027 (POCIDIF).

Metodologia de selecție are în vedere aplicarea art. 34 din OUG nr. 133/2021 privind gestionarea financiară a fondurilor europene pentru perioada 2021-2027 și a art. 45, 46 și 47 din Capitolul VIII al HG 829/2022 care instituie prevederi specifice pentru proiectele implementate în parteneriat.

Procesul de selecție a partenerilor privați se va derula în conformitate cu art. 34 din OUG 133/2021 conform căruia entitățile finanțate din fonduri publice pot stabili parteneriate cu alte entități din sectorul privat, numai prin aplicarea unei proceduri de selecție a acestora, care respectă cel puțin principiile transparenței, tratamentului legal, nediscriminării utilizării eficiente a fondurilor publice, legalitate și trasabilitate.

Începand cu data prezentului Anunt (18.07.2024) INCAS – Institutul Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Aerospațială “Elie Carafoli” din București declanșează procedura de selecție și exprimă public intenția de selectare a unuia/mai mulți parteneri entități private (IMM-uri) în vederea participării în parteneriat la competițiile organizate în cadrul Priorității 1 a POCIDIF, respectiv apelul de proiecte PCIDIF/159/PCIDIF_P1/OP1/RSO1.1/PCIDIF_A1.1, Măsura 1.1.2.

Colaborarea și partneriatele vizează în principal proiecte la nivel TRL7:

  • Scopul: Dezvoltarea de sisteme de aeronave pentru misiuni complexe, cu integrarea de noi tehnologii la nivel de concepție, fabricație ecologică, prototipare digitală și impact redus asupra mediului. Soluțiile propuse vor asigura competitivitate economică în piața pentru IMM-uri, dezvoltare durabilă pentru sectorul aerospațial și raspund cerințelor și nevoilor de mobilitate și siguranța cetățenilor.
  • Obiectivul specific: Asigurarea capacității de maturizare tehnologică și exploatarea rezultatelor în domeniile de specializare inteligenta din cadrul SNSPI: 2. Economie digitală și tehnologii spațiale, 3. Energie și mobilitate, 4. Fabricație avansată. Obiectivele specifice din parteneriate pot fi orientate pe unul sau mai multe domenii conexe.
  • Activitati preconizate: Participarea IMM-urilor este posibila pe întreg lanțul de maturitate tehnologică din cadrul proiectelor, de la activități de concepție, design, pregătire de fabricație și industrializare (nivel prototip TRL 7). IMM-urile joacă un rol principal în valorificarea rezultatelor în piata concurențială și asigurarea planului de afaceri asociat proiectelor.
  • Bugetul estimat: Funcție de tipul de activitate, localizarea IMM-ului și gradul de implicare dorit/posibil, estimăm ca posibilă o implicare globala (finanțare buget + cofinanțare) la nivel de 2 milioane Euro/IMM selectat în cadrul acestui Anunț. Dimensionarea efortului fiecarui IMM interesat trebuie să respecte cerintele și spiritul PCIDIF/159/PCIDIF_P1/OP1/RSO1.1/PCIDIF_A1.1, Măsura 1.1.2.
  • Termenul limită de depunere a Propunerilor de Colaborare: 01.08.2024, ora 16:00.

Per ansamblu, condițiile impuse potențialilor parteneri sunt cele prezentate în Ghidul/cadrul PCIDIF/159/PCIDIF_P1/OP1/RSO1.1/PCIDIF_A1.1, Măsura 1.1.2.

Criteriile generale de eligibilitate a partenerului/partenerilor privați presupun respectarea cel puțin a cerințelor impuse de către OIC prin Ghidului Solicitantului aferent apelului de proiecte PCIDIF/159/PCIDIF_P1/OP1/RSO1.1/PCIDIF_A1.1, Măsura 1.1.2. pentru care se face selecția.

Răspunsul la prezentul Anunț presupune:

  • Adresa de intenție de potențial parteneriat, cu identificarea, după caz, a potențialelor domenii de colaborare și propuneri concrete din partea IMM-urilor interesate;
  • Completarea Fișei Partenerului (vezi model Fisa1) care contine un set de informații specifice IMM-urilor interesate, cu date publice privind situația juridică și financiară actualizată;
  • Completarea unei Fișe Tehnice cu propunerea de parteneriat (conform model Fisa2);

Termenul Limită de transmitere a documentelor: 01.08.2024, ora 16:00.

Transmiterea celor 3 documente se va face pe adresa, cu solicitarea unei confirmări de primire.


Rezultatul procesului de selecție va fi anuntat public în data de 05.08.2024.

Pentru detalii și informații suplimentare, persoana de contact INCAS:

Adrian GȂZ, e-mail

Participation of INCAS at the Official Presentation of the European RACER Demonstrator, as the coordinator of the RoRCraft Consortium

The RACER Demonstrator is the result of a robust European collaborative research program, developed under the coordination of Airbus Helicopters along with 40 partners from 13 European countries, including Romania, through the RoRCraft consortium formed by INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” and ROMAERO S.A.

With a cruise speed reaching 400 Km/h, RACER is a helicopter demonstrator aimed at reducing costs by 25% per nautical mile compared to a conventional helicopter, as well as reducing fuel consumption and noise by approximately 20% for typical passenger transport missions. This innovation demonstrates a commitment to revolutionizing helicopter technology to achieve tangible environmental benefits for society. 

The activities of the Romanian consortium RoRCraft, coordinated by INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” within the European partnership, involved the design, manufacturing, testing, and development of certification documentation for the Main Fuselage of the future helicopter. INCAS, as the consortium leader, demonstrated even before winning the project that it has the experience to approach a project of such magnitude (TRL 6) multi-systemically, and is also capable of leading production and testing activities, aspects that are vital to the success of such a European initiative. The trust placed in INCAS by Airbus Helicopters, the coordinator of the RACER program, was reflected in the allocation of a significant portion of the helicopter with a high degree of technological risk.

As part of the project, INCAS performed advanced design activities in the field of metallic and composite structures, using the latest technologies in the field, such as Virtual and Augmented Reality, to optimize maintenance activities. The design team integrated all interfaces corresponding to the helicopter systems (more than 360 interfaces) into the fuselage structure, some of which are critical from an architectural standpoint. The technologies proposed for the fuselage construction (hybrid metal-composite structure, use of additive manufacturing in structural parts etc.) and the strength calculation methods used led to the achievement of an optimal structure in terms of load-bearing capability relative to the structure’s weight.

INCAS coordinated the manufacturing activities for the Main Fuselage and the specimens intended for the tests required for certification. This involved internally organizing the fuselage structure and optimizing the process of delivering the execution documentation to the partner ROMAERO, thereby creating a conducive environment for manufacturing activities (minimizing risks related to the acquisition of materials, tools and standardized parts) by improving the infrastructure allocated to manufacturing and supporting manufacturing activities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The static strength testing activities for the two large specimens from the Main Fuselage area were carried out at STRAERO, an aviation structure testing entity that is part of the INCAS Group. The tests, based on the test orders developed by the INCAS strength calculation team, involved applying a complex system of forces at the fuselage’s junction interfaces with other structural elements (such as wings, landing gear etc.) and measuring their effects on the structure. Through the professionalism of the testing specialists, they developed a unique testing ecosystem in Romania, which ensured not only the successful execution of all loading cases but also provided a high degree of safety in protecting these unique specimens from potential damage due to the large forces applied (on the order of tons).

The stress documentation developed by the specialists at INCAS formed the basis for the entire helicopter’s certification activities before the French Aviation Authority to obtain the Permit-to-Fly. The complex structural calculation methods were validated through the physical tests performed on the static test specimens according to the testing pyramid and were applied to substantiate the structural behaviour. By Airbus Helicopters accepting the substantiation philosophy proposed by INCAS and the completion and submission of the stress documentation, the Institute demonstrated its capability to successfully undertake certification activities in the aeronautical field in accordance with current EASA regulations.

The 11th edition of the International Conference of Aerospace Sciences – AEROSPATIAL 2024

17-18 October 2024 – Bucharest, Romania 

The “AEROSPATIAL” Conferences held at INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” (under the aegis of The Romanian Academy) are unique in Romania providing a meeting space for local and foreign researchers in the field of Aviation Research as well as Space and Security with the aim to present, disseminate and promote scientific research and technological development results.

Main conference topics (additional topics could be included upon request):

  • 1. Aerodynamics;
  • 2. Flight Mechanics;
  • 3. Astronautics and Astrophysics;
  • 4. Materials and Structures;
  • 5. Systems, Subsystems and Control in Aeronautics;
  • 6. Experimental Investigations in Aerospace Sciences;
  • 7. ATS and full Automation ATM;
  • 8. Management in Aerospace Activities.

Associated events:

The “Nicolae Tipei” Prize Award Ceremony
The “Gheorghe Vasilca” Prize Award Ceremony
Tour of INCAS


Abstracts submission: 05.08.2024

Acceptance confirmation: 09.08.2024

Submission of full papers for INCAS BULLETIN: 21.10.2024

Details and additional information:

TGA hiring announcement


INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE CERCETARE – DEZVOLTARE AEROSPATIALĂ “ELIE CARAFOLI” I.N.C.A.S. Bucureşti, cu sediul in Bucuresti, Bd. Iuliu Maniu 220, Sector 6, CP 061126, Tel: +40 21 434.00.83, organizează concurs pentru 18 (optsprezece) noi posturi în cadrul Proiectului, „Platformă de Dezvoltare Tehnologică pentru Tehnologii „Green” în Aviație și Fabricație Ecologică cu Valoare Adăugată Superioară; TGA – Technologies for Green Aviation”, locatie Craiova –Dolj, având următoarele cerinţe minime, după cum urmeză:

  • Cinci posturi Inginer 3D Experience
  • Un post Operator CNC:
  • Un post Contabilitate:
  • Doua posturi Contracte-Marketing
  • Un post inginer CTC:
  • Doua posturi Curatenie
  • Doua posturi Inginer CAD / CAE
  • Un post Receptie si registratura:
  • Un post Responsabil Aprovizionare
  • Un post Scaner 3D
  • Un post Secretara

Dosarele de înscriere la concurs se primesc pâna la data de 07.12.2023, la sediul I.N.C.A.S. Bucuresti – Serviciul Resurse Umane.

Senior Stress Engineer


  • Detailed static and fatigue analysis of metallic and composite primary structures, for aircraft components and systems.
  • Experienced in sizing calculations and stress analysis of aircraft structures by means of hand calculations, valid methods, numerical simulations (FEM). 


  • To conform to the company procedures, processes and standards.
  • To meet the Technical Specification and airworthiness regulations specified within the scope of the project.
  • To provide Structural advice and analysis, based on: 
  • Project requirements,
  • Certification requirements,
  • Project timescales and budget.
  • To perform tasks as necessary to show that structures comply with the strength and structural requirements defined in the project Technical Specification:
  • Advice to the design office on structural concepts, materials and fasteners,
  • Generating and checking Finite Element Models and interpreting results,
  • Generating Structural working files.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering or other mechanical fields.
  • Prior experience on writing of stress dossiers and certification for at least two projects.


  • Competent working knowledge of structural and stress analysis in an aerospace environment.
  • Familiar with the static and fatigue analysis of metallic and composite structures.
  • Able to support and guide others in the project team including other Stress Engineers.
  • Proficient in the use of analysis software (PATRAN/NASTRAN, Hypermesh, Optistruct).
  • Proficient in the use of MS Word and Excel. VBA macros is a plus.


10 years minimum

UAM FOR BUCHAREST – SMART CITY” – The first event dedicated to Urban Air Mobility in Romania

At the end of  September 2023, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, in partnership with the Bucharest City Hall Mayor’s Office, the Bucharest Prefecture, the Progres Prin Educație Foundation and the Petőfi Cultural Association Bucharest organized “Urban Air Mobility for Bucharest – Smart City “, the first event dedicated to Urban Air Mobility in Romania.

The event brought together specialists in aeronautics from INCAS, ROMATSA (Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration), AACR (Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority), the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest (UNSTPB), as well as representatives of the Bucharest City Hall Mayor’s Office and the Bucharest Prefecture, the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization, the Department for Emergency Situations, the Department for Sustainable Development, as well as the Progres Prin Educație Foundation. The debates took place within five panels, which covered several topics related to Urban Air Mobility, in the context of Bucharest Smart City.

The purpose of the event was to introduce on the public agenda the concept of “Urban Airspace Mobility – UAM”, in the context of the accelerated development of technology, which will allow in the very near future the transport of goods, equipment, and people in the airspace of urban environments. UAM FOR BUCHAREST SMART CITY had as moderator Mrs. Anna de Hillerin from the Progres Prin Educație Foundation and as technical moderators Dr. Eng. Cătălin Nae and Eng. Cesar Banu from INCAS as well as Prof. Dr. Octavian Pleter from the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest.

In the first panel, Policies for the integration of UAM in the Smart City, the guests reviewed the local, national and regional context of mobility, several ideas and trends, the concept of UAM that is highly different compared to the classic aviation as well as new types of aircraft that will serve this ecosystem, which is still in the pioneering phase. The guests within this panel, Mr. Cătălin Aflat (Director General of the Bucharest City Hall Investment Department), Prof. Dr. Tudor Prisecaru (Secretary of State of the Ministry of Research, Development and Innovation) and Richard Budai (Sub-Prefect of the Municipality of Bucharest) analyzed the technologies and configurations of air vehicles, their infrastructure and, last but not least, the degree of society’s acceptance of this change.

The second panel, Markets and Services for UAM, having as speakers Mr. Cătălin Aflat (Director General of the Bucharest City Hall  Investment Department), Gabriel Petrea (Deputy General Director – Smart City Cluster – National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest), Col. Marius Dogeanu (Head of the DSU General Directorate) and Cristian Iordache (Advisor of the Department for Sustainable Development), provided answers to several essential questions for the development of the UAM sector, namely whether there really is a market for these new aircraft, which are the most requested UAM services and who are the players most interested in investing in order to provide UAM services. The guests emphasized the huge potential that UAM represents for public institutions such as DSU, Firefighters, Police, Gendarmerie, considering the intelligent use of urban airspace for public service institutions.

The third panel – Technologies. Vehicle configurations for UAM represented the ideal framework for an applied and technical debate on the future of urban mobility, with the following guests: Mr. Radu Berceanu (AVI AERO – aircraft engineer, former senator and Minister of Transport), Prof. Dr. Marius Stoia (UNSTPB – Faculty of Aerospace Engineering), Prof. Dr. Luigi Obreja (UNSTPB – Faculty of Transport) and Dr. Eng. Andrei Neamțu – INCAS Project Manager). The topics discussed focused on air-taxi vehicles, drones and aircraft for utility missions, which can be used in public interest services but also their particular requirements. Furthermore, the issue of manufacturing these aircraft in our country, certification and their specific configurations was raised.

Panel number four, Infrastructure for UAM and the regulatory framework, had as guests Mr. Prof. Dr. Octavian Pleter (UNSTPB, Professor of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering – the technical moderator in this panel), Mr. Adrian Florea (ROMATSA Operational Department Director), Claudia Vîrlan (Head of Service (ATM/ANS) – Air Traffic Management/Air Navigation Services – AACR – Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority) and Mr. Ioan Drăgan (SIMSOFT CEO). During the panel, the guests discussed about the critical infrastructure for the sustainable development of UAM in the cities of the future, about architectural concepts of the future, which will include vertiports, charging stations, but also platforms for take-off/landing dedicated to public utility services.

The final panel, Acceptance of UAM by society and the first steps towards recognition of UAM, raised the issue of integrating urban mobility in airspace into our lifestyle. Among those who took the floor, we mention Dr. Eng. Cătălin Nae (President and CEO of INCAS during 2007-2023, also the technical moderator in this panel), Prof. Stelian Fedorca (President of the Progres Prin Educație Foundation, initiator and founder of the Romanian Dual Education Authority), Prof. Dr. Daniel Crunțeanu – (UNSTPB– Dean of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering) and Eng. Cesar Banu (INCAS Program Manager). The guests once again emphasized the role that education has in this emerging ecosystem, as well as the permanent communication with civil society for the development and implementation of vertical transport in large cities. Former Secretary of State Stelian Fedorca proposed the establishment of a pilot project that would bring together all the institutions and companies interested in getting involved in the implementation and development of this air urban mobility system.

Furthermore, during the event, our guests had the opportunity to watch a presentation of the INCAS UAS capabilities from the Strejnicu operations base, in Prahova county. The speaker was Eng. Cătălin Pascale from INCAS. The moderator of the event, Anna de Hillerin, forwarded the audience’s questions to the experts, and those present showed their interest in the development of this topic in the future. 

The event took place following the collaboration protocol between the Bucharest City Hall Mayor’s Office and INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, which was joined by the Bucharest Prefecture and the Progres Prin Educație Foundation.

55th Materials CapTech meeting and back-to-back Workshop on “Advanced Materials for Acoustic Signature Management”, June 13th -14th

The 55th Materials CapTech meeting is associated to the Workshop on ““Advanced Materials for Acoustic Signature Management”, jointly organized with the Maritime CapTech, whose members are kindly invited and, in addition, stakeholders interested in this development area can participate, provided they were registered. The aim of this workshop is to identify the relevant development lines in this domain for a potential OB EDA project, in collaboration with the Maritime CapTech.

The Workshop will take place on June 13th at the INCAS premises (“Elie Carafoli” Amphitheatre) from 9.30 to 18.00, including the visit to INCAS labs and Wind Tunnel facility. 

On June 14th, the 55th Materials CapTech meeting will start with the ICARO Programme Management Committee (PMC) meeting n.1 in at the INCAS Subsonic Wind Tunnel building, with restricted participation of only the PMC members of the EDA/AA countries, signatories of the ICARO Programme. In parallel, a non-governmental session will take place in the INCAS “Elie Carafoli” Amphitheatre. 

The main objectives of the 55th Materials CapTech meeting are to review the pending actions, to update on EDA activities and to review of the status of ongoing projects. Furthermore, as outcome of the Workshop on Advanced materials for acoustic signature management, another important objective is to reach a sound basis for potential EDA OB project in this domain and to align on the 2023 and 2024 Materials CapTech meeting dates and related workshops.

European Defence Agency

INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” from Romania is involved in SALTO project that will advance forward Europe’s first reusable rocket

The SALTO project is coordinated by ArianeGroup, selected by the European Commission following a call for project in the frame of Horizon Europe. It started in December 2022 and will be testing vertical landing of a reusable launcher stage prototype. The SALTO project aims to validate the landing phase, which is particularly complex but essential in order to be able to recover a launcher. Two test campaigns of the Themis reusable launcher stage prototype will be conducted in Kiruna, Sweden. During the vertical hop tests the launcher will be lifted up to 30 m -250 m high, using Prometheus® reusable engine demonstrator.

Themis is a European Space Agency (ESA) programme, leaded by ArianeGroup. Eight ESA Member States are participating in the programme: France, Switzerland, Belgium, Sweden, Spain, Netherlands, Poland and Hungary. SALTO enables perfectly synchronised acceleration of the two ESA programmes Themis reusable stage and Prometheus® reusable engine for which ArianeGroup is lead contractor.

The SALTO project and the foreseen tests are complementary and coherent with ESA’s Themis reusable stage programme. These developments are the key technological building blocks for the next generation of reusable European launchers that aims to reduce significantly the costs of space launches when compared with the current European rocket fleet. As a result, it will reinforce European Union’s strategic autonomy and competitiveness and, will contribute to reducing the environmental footprint from space launches.

INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” from Romania will be responsible for structural health monitoring activities in this project. Daniela Enciu, Head of Mechatronics at INCAS: “INCAS has the privilege of participating in such a large-scale project, reiterating its involvement in activities that contribute to the development of the research sector. The project contributes to the creation of new bridges between research and industry, ensuring competitiveness and sustainability.” Ana-Maria Neculăescu, Space Program Manager at INCAS: „INCAS is happy to participate in SALTO activities and to be a part of this ambitions endeavor towards strengthening Europe’s position and autonomy in accessing the outer space”.

About the project SALTO

The SALTO project will test vertical landing by a reusable launcher stage prototype within the next three years, with a budget of 39 million euros. SALTO stands for “reuSable strAtegic 2 Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Health and Digital Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. space Launcher Technologies & Operations”. The project’s consortium involves 25 partners from 12 countries:

  • ArianeGroup SAS, ArianeGroup GmbH, MT Aerospace AG, Safran Data Systems, Safran Electronics & Defense, Avio S.p.A., Sabca, Thales Alenia Space Belgium S.A., GTD Sistemas de Información S.A., GMV Aerospace and Defence SA, Deimos Engineering and Systems S.L.U, Sener TAFS SAU, Swedish Space Corporation, Amorim Cork Composites SA;
  • Research institutes: German Aerospace Center (DLR), CNES, ONERA, IRT Jules Verne, INCAS;
  • Start-ups and SMEs: ID-Services, Shark Robotics SARL, G.L.Electronic s.r.o, SIA WIT Berry, Realtime Technologies Ltd, SpaceForest sp. z o.o.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme
under grant agreement No 101082007.

9th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling in Aerospace Sciences “NMAS 2023”

This 2-day workshop focuses on numerical simulations and their application in aerospace sciences both in launcher and satellite design and construction. Presentations from both academia as well as industrial partners will be given.


The following

1 – launchers propulsion technologies and simulations of rocket engines

2 – flight dynamics simulation

3 – modelling of structural problems in aerospace airframes

4 – system design for small satellites.

Event associated with of the workshop

  • Exhibition: aerospace and defense industry


  • Abstracts submission: 24 April 2023

Abstractswill be written in English (will have a minimum of 200 words or if they are “Extended Abstracts”, a maximum of 4 pages, drawn up in MS Word, Times New Roman, 10 pt) and they will be published in the Book of Abstracts.

The participants in the workshop are asked to send the paper title, abstract and author affiliation (institution name, address, e-mail, phone number) to the following e-mail address:

  • The deadline for the notification of accepted abstracts27 April 2023
  • Full paper should be submitted by 10 May, 2023. Send by e-mail:

NoteThe authors should have the final full paper document (.doc / .docx or .pdf) available at the latest before their presentation. The final full paper and the presentation will be handed over to the chairman.

From 2018, “NMAS” strictly implements the policy: no paper, no presentation.


Regular fee – 100 RON

Student fee– Free

The fee is payable in cash at the Workshop registration on 11 May, 2023.

 The papers presented at the Workshop “NMAS 2023” will be recorded on the DVD dedicated to the event under the heading: The 9th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling in Aerospace Sciences, code: ISSN 2360-1809, ISSN-L 2360-1809.

Presentations will be published in English in Power Point, Word or PDF.1_007 Selected papers will be published in the scientific journal INCAS BULLETIN / (Print) ISSN 2066–8201, (Online) ISSN 2247–4528, ISSN–L 2066–8201, DOI: 10.13111/2066–8201.

  • INCAS BULLETIN is Open Access (OA).
  • INCAS BULLETIN is indexed in International Databases (BDI): Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Index Copernicus™ – Journals Master List, Crossref, ProQuest, EBSCOhost, Academic Journals Database, SCIPIO – Romanian Editorial Platform, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI-SCHOLAR), SHERPA/ROMEO, WorldCat, J-Gate and more.


INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” ( is the leading research establishment in aerospace sciences in Romania, with more than 70 years tradition in aerospace engineering, flow physics and applied aerodynamics, using state-of-the-art technologies and unique infrastructure of national strategic importance. INCAS has been involved in all major national aeronautical projects for civil and military areas, and currently is acting as a major player in EU policy for R&D development under FlightPath 2050 vision and future Horizon Europe program.

President and General Director

Ph.D. Eng. Catalin NAE

Romanian Space Agency – ROSA ( was established in 1991 and reorganized by a Government Decision in 1995 as an independent public institution under the auspices of the Ministry of Research and Technology (actually, the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport). ROSA is the national co-ordinating body of the space activities.

The missions of ROSA are to promote and coordinate development and national efforts in the field, and, as a Government representative, to promote international cooperation. In particular, ROSA is authorized to establish research and development centres oriented on specific objectives of the Romanian Space Programme.

The President of ROSA is Ph.D. Eng. Flaviu RADUCANU,
The Honor President is the Romanian cosmonaut Mr. Ph.D. Eng. Dumitru Dorin PRUNARIU.

POLITEHNICA University Bucharest  UPB ( is the largest and the oldest technical university in the country and among the most prestigious universities in Romania.

The tradition of our institution, developed in over 190 years through the effort of the most important nation’s schoolmasters and of the generations of students, is not the only convincing reason. Today, the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest is undergoing a continuous modernization process, being involved in a permanent dialogue with great universities in Europe and all over the world.

The mission of the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest has been thought over as a blend of education, research and innovation, which represents a key towards a knowledge-based society and economy. Creating knowledge mainly by scientific research, giving it out by education and professional training, disseminating it by information technologies, as well as the use of technological innovation are elements that define the university distinctive profile.

Dean of Faculty of Aerospace Engineering is Prof. Ph.D. Eng. Daniel-Eugeniu CRUNTEANU.


  • Ph.D. Ruxandra BOTEZ, École de Technologie Supérieure, Université de Québec, Montreal, Canada
  • Ph.D. John MICOL, NASA Ames, SUA
  • Ph.DAnders BLOM, Innovair, Swedich
  • Ph.D.  Richard DEGENHARDT, DLR, Germany
  • Ph.D. Flaviu RADUCANU, ROSA – Romanian Space Agency, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ph.D.  Marius-Ioan PISO, ROSA – Romanian Space Agency, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ph.D. Dumitru PRUNARIU, ROSA – Romanian Space Agency, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ph.D. Catalin NAE, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ph.D. Liviu-Mihail COSEREANU, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ph.D. Adriana STEFAN, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ph.D. Mihai Victor PRICOP, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ph.D. Sorin RADNEF, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ph.D. Stefan BOGOS, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ph.D. Ioan URSU, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ph.D. Mircea RUSU, University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Ph.D.Daniel-Eugeniu CRUNTEANU, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Ph.D. Constantin LEVENTIU, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Ph.D. Marius STOIA-DJESKA, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Ph.D.  Petrisor PARVU, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Ph.D. Sterian DANAILA, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Ph.D. Octavian Thor PLETER, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Ph.D. Ion STROE, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania


  • Ph.D. Florin MINGIREANU, ROSA – Romanian Space Agency, Bucharest, Romania,
  • PR. Maria MOCANU, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania,
  • Prog. Elena NEBANCEA, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania,
  • For all questions please feel free to contact the Organizing Committee by e-mail.


  • Ph.D. Mihail BOTAN, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ph.D. George PELIN, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ph.D. George Catalin CRISTEA, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • PR. Teodora DINU, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • PR. Valentin MIROIU, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania

Partner in support of the eventChateau VartelyYoutube;

Workshop venue:The Workshop venue is located at INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bd. Iuliu Maniu no. 220, sector 6.

INCAS is located in the “Militari” District of Bucharest, nearby the “Pacii” subway station. One can also reach INCAS by trolleybus: Route 61 and Route 62 and by bus: Route 137, Route 138, Route 178 and Route 236, “Valea Cascadelor” Station.

For more informations see Route map of Bucharest.

The 40th “Caius Iacob” Conference on Fluid Mechanics and its Technical Applications

INCAS ― National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” (under the aegis of the Romanian Academy) and the ISMMA ― Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy “Gheorghe Mihoc ― Caius Iacob” in collaboration with University of Bucharest and “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest organizes the 40th edition of the Conference “Caius Iacob” on Fluid Mechanics and its Technical Applications, in 19 – 20 October 2023, at the headquarters of the INCAS, Blvd. Iuliu Maniu 220, sector 6, Bucharest, Romania.


  1. Basic Methods in Fluid Mechanics
  2. Equations of Mathematical Physics
  3. Dynamical Systems
  4. Mathematical Modeling
  5. Technical Applications

      Events associated with conference

  • The “Caius IACOB” Prize Award Ceremony
  • The “Nicolae TIPEI” Prize Award Ceremony
  • The “Gheorghe VASILCA” Prize Award Ceremony


  • Abstracts submission: 22.09.2023
  • Acceptance confirmation: 29.09.2023
  • Registration:02.10.2023
  • Full papers submission for scientific journal INCAS BULLETIN: 02.11.2023


  • The participants in the conference are asked to send the paper title and abstract to the following address
  • The Abstract, no more than two pages, shall be written in English.


  • The fee for participation: 150 lei
  • The participation with article for students is free.
  • The fee for participation includes all the materials related to the conference.
  • More details on incoming Calls.


The participants are asked to make the payment in LEI or in Euro/Dolar (the equivalent of 150 lei), with the mention Participation fee for Conference “Caius IACOB”, 2023.

The three accounts are:

Cod IBAN RON: RO 86 RNCB 0290101344950001

Cod IBAN EUR:  RO 59 RNCB 0290101344950002

Cod IBAN USD:  RO 32 RNCB 0290101344950003

The address of the BCR Bank:

Blvd Iuliu Maniu no.190-192, bl.C1, area 6, Bucharest, Romania


VAT: RO434670


The papers will be published in the scientific journal INCAS BULLETIN.

  • The papers accepted for the conference “Caius Iacob” shall be written in English.
  • The papers shall be sent to the, in electronic form (Word and PDF).

A number of INCAS BULLETIN will include a selection (made by Scientific Committee of Conference) of the conference full papers and favorable refereed, in compliance with the instructions of editing and its specific stages.


(online) ISSN 2247–4528;

(print) ISSN 2066–8201; ISSN–L 2066–8201

DOI: 10.13111/2066–8201;

INCAS BULLETIN is “Open Access” (OA).

INCAS BULLETIN is indexed in International Databases (BDI): Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Index Copernicus™ – Journals Master List, Crossref, ProQuest, EBSCOhost, Academic Journals Database, SCIPIO – Romanian Editorial Platform, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI-SCHOLAR), SHERPA/ROMEO, WorldCat, J-Gate. Instructions and editing model for INCAS BULLETIN can be found at:


  • Dr. Mihai ARGHIR, Université de Poitiers, France
  • Dr. Stefan BALINT, West University of Timisoara, Romania
  • Acad. Dorel BANABIC, Engineering Sciences, The Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • Acad. Viorel BARBU, “Al. I. Cuza” University and Octav Mayer Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Iasi, Romania
  • Dr. Corneliu BERBENTE,“POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Ruxandra BOTEZ, École de technologie supérieure, Université de Quebec, Montreal, Canada
  • Dr. Sanda CLEJA-TIGOIU, University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Liviu-Mihail COSEREANU, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Daniel-Eugeniu CRUNTEANU, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Sterian DANAILA,“POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Florin DIMOFTE,Tribology Laboratory The University of Toledo, Office at NASA Glenn Research Center, Ohio, USA
  • Dr. Horia DUMITRESCU, ISMMA ― Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy “Gheorghe Mihoc – Caius Iacob”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Constantin FETECAU, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University, Iasi, Romania
  • Dr. Florin FRUNZULICA, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Dorel HOMENTCOVSCHI, Binghamton University, USA
  • Dr. Constantin LEVENTIU, “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Mircea LUPU, University “Transilvania”, Brasov, Romania
  • DrVictor MANOLIU, Aerospace Consulting, 061126 Bucharest, Romania
  • Acad. Gabriela MARINOSCHI,ISMMA  Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy “Gheorghe Mihoc  Caius Iacob”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Dan MATEESCU,McGill University, Montreal, Canada
  • Acad. Alexandru M. MOREGA, Engineering Sciences, The Romanian Academy,  “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Adrian MUNTEAN, Karlstad University, Swedish
  • Dr. Catalin NAE,INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Titus PETRILA, “Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Dr. Dan POLISEVSCHI, Institute of Mathematics “Simion Stoilow” of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Sorin RADNEF,INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Florin RADU, University of Bergen, Norway
  • Dr. Ruxandra STAVRE, Institute of Mathematics “Simion Stoilow” of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Adriana STEFAN, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Ion STROE, “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Victor TIGOIU, University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Ioan URSU,INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania


  • Dr. Corneliu BALAN, “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Romania, e-mail:
  • Dr. Liviu MARIN, University of Bucharest, Romania, e-mail:
  • Dr. Stelian ION, ISMMA  Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy “Gheorghe Mihoc  Caius Iacob”, Bucharest, Romania, e-mail:
  • PR. Maria MOCANU, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania, e-mail:
  • Prog. Elena NEBANCEA, INCAS ― National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania, e-mail:


The 40th “Caius Iacob” Conference on Fluid Mechanics and its Technical Applications will be held on 19-20 October 2023, in Bucharest at INCAS – National Institute of Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, B-dul Iuliu Maniu no.220, sector 6.

The INCAS is located in the Militari district of Bucharest, near by the subway station “Pacii”. One can reach INCAS also using trolleybuses route 61, route 62 and buses route 137, route 138, route 178 and route 236 Valea Cascadelor Station. For more informations see Route map of Bucharest.

Candidate Selection Process

The application will be submitted in physical format, with INCAS registration number, to the INCAS Secretariat.

All documents (Application, Memorandum and others, as the case may be) will be sent in digital format to the address:

International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “AEROSPATIAL 2022″

Scientific Committee

  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Mihai ARGHIR, Université de Poitiers, France
  • Acad. Dorel BANABIC, Engineering Sciences, The Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Corneliu BERBENTE, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Anders BLOM, Innovair, Swedich
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Ruxandra BOTEZ, École de technologie supérieure, Université de Quebec, Montreal, Canada
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Dan Mihai CONSTANTINESCU, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania
  • CS I. Dr. Eng. Liviu COSEREANU, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Conf. Dr. Eng. Daniel-Eugeniu CRUNTEANU, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Sterian DANAILA, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Richard DEGENHARDT, DLR, Germany
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Victor GIURGIUTIU, University of South Carolina, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia, USA
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Charles HIRSCH, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bruxelles, Belgium
  • M.Sc. Eng. Konrad KOZACZUK, Director of Composite Technologies Center, £ukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation, Warsaw, Poland
  • CS I. Dr. Eng. Victor MANOLIU, Aerospace Consulting, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. John MICOL, NASA Ames, SUA
  • CS I. Dr. Eng. Math. Catalin NAE, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Col. (Gs.Ret) Prof. Dipl. Eng Pavel NEÈAS, the University of Security Management in Košice, Slovakia
  • CS I. Dr. Eng. Constantin OLIVOTTO – AEROSPACE Consulting, Bucharest, Romania
  • Prof. Spiros PANTELAKIS, Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics University of Patras, EASN, Greece
  • CS I. Dr. Phys. Marius-Ioan PISO, ROSA – Romanian Agency, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Roxana PITICESCU, National Research&Development Institute for Non-ferrous and Rare Metals – IMNR, Bucharest, Romania
  • Cosmonaut Dr. Eng. Dumitru PRUNARIU, ROSA – Romanian Space Agency, Bucharest, Romania
  • CS II. Dr. Eng. Math. Sorin RADNEF, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Dimitris SARAVANOS, University of Patras, Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics, Applied Mechanics Laboratory, Patras, Greece
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing Dieter SCHOLZ, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), Department of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering, Aircraft Design and Systems Group (AERO), Hamburg, Germany
  • CS I. Dr. Phys. Adriana STEFAN, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Marius STOIA-DJESKA, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Ion STROE, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania
  • CS II, Dr. Eng. Tiberius TOMOIAGA, A.C.T.T.M, Bucharest, Romania
  • CS I. Dr. Math. Ioan URSU, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Ing. Jochen WILD, German Aerospace Center DLR, Braunschweig, Germany

Organizing Committee

  • Eng. Cesar BANU – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Drd. Eng. Radu BLIDERAN – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Eng. Ionut BRINZA – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Dr. Eng. Stefan BOGOS – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Dr. Phys. Andreea CALCAN – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Drd. Eng. Alina-Ioana CHIRA – INCAS, Bucharest, Romania
  • Drd. Eng. Emil COSTEA – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Eng. Claudia DOBRE – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Dr. Eng. Dragos Daniel ION GUTA – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Prog. Elena NEBANCEA – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Drd. Eng. Ana-Maria NECULAESCU – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Dr. Eng. Elisabeta-Cristina PELIN – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Dr. Eng. Mihai Victor PRICOP – INCAS, Bucharest

Secretarial Staff

  • Dr. Eng. Mihail BOTAN – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Dr. Eng. George Catalin CRISTEA – INCAS, Bucharest
  • PR Spec. Teodora DINU – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Ec. Marilena GHEMULET – INCAS, Bucharest
  • PR Spec. Valentin MIROIU – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Ec. Elena Dorina OLTEANU – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Eng. Livia PANAIT – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Dr. Eng. George PELIN – INCAS, Bucharest


International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “ AEROSPATIAL 2020“, Bucharest, 15 – 16 October 2020

International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “ AEROSPATIAL 2018″, Bucharest, 25 – 26 October 2018

International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “ AEROSPATIAL 2016“, Bucharest, 26-27 October 2016

International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “ AEROSPATIAL 2014“, Bucharest, 18-19 September 2014

International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “ AEROSPATIAL 2012“, Bucharest, 11-12 October 2012

International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “ AEROSPATIAL 2010“, Bucharest, 20-21 October 2010

Conferinta Internationala de Stiinte Aerospatiale “ AEROSPATIAL 2008“, Bucuresti, 1-2 Octombrie 2008

Conferinta de Stiinte Aerospatiale “ AEROSPATIAL 2005“, Bucuresti, 11-12 Octombrie 2005

Conferinta Nationala de Stiinte Aerospatiale AEROSPATIAL ’98, Bucuresti, 11-13 Noiembrie 1998

Conference Topics

The main topics of the “AEROSPATIAL 2022″ Conference are the following (additional topics could be included upon request):

  1. Aerodynamics;
  2. Flight Mechanics;
  3. Astronautics and Astrophysics;
  4. Materials and Structures;
  5. Systems, Subsystems and Control in Aeronautics;
  6. Experimental Investigations in Aerospace Sciences;
  7. ATS and full Automation ATM;
  8. Management in Aerospace Activities.

Events associated with of the conference

  • The “Nicolae TIPEI” Prize Award Ceremony – 14 October 2022
  • The “Gheorghe VASILCA” Prize Award Ceremony – 14 October 2022
  • Workshop “Detonation based propulsion systems” – 14 October 2022
  • Workshop “Automatic LAnding on MObile PLATform (ALAMOPLAT)” – 14 October 2022
  • Round Table – Current and future challenges in advanced materials and processes (INCAS – ILOT) – 14 October 2022
  • Exhibitions: SC. INAS. SA, CENIT, HEXAGON, INCAS, 13 – 14 October 2022

Invited Speakers

Ruxandra Mihaela BOTEZ

ETS, University of Quebec, Montreal, Canada

“Neural Networks use in Unmanned Aerial Systems Modeling”


CIRA – the Italian Aerospace Research Centre, Italia

Antonio CONCILIO, Salvatore AMEDURI
“Scaling of morphing structures: a case study on selected effects”


Lukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation, Center for Composite Technologies, Warsaw, Poland

Konrad KOZACZUK, Bartlomiej WASNIEWSKI, Wojciech KRAUZE
“Hybrid manufacturing of thermoplastic composite structure”


Aviation Management Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

“A real application in gate assignment problems combining optimization, simulation, and delay prediction”

Svjetlana STEKOVIC

Associated Professor/ Docent at the Division Engineering Materials, the Department of Management and Engineering, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden

“Current and future materials research in aerospace”


AVIATION Forum Executive – American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)

“Advanced air mobility: a dream nearing fulfillment”

Call for papers

Second Call – International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “AEROSPATIAL 2022”

First Call – International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “AEROSPATIAL 2022”


  • Abstracts submission: 23.09.2022
  • Acceptance confirmation: 26.09.2022
  • Submission of full papers for INCAS BULLETIN: 24.10.2022
  • Submission of full papers for RJTS-AM: 24.10.2022
  • Submission of Full papers or Extended Abstracts for Proceedings “AEROSPATIAL 2022”: 24.10.2022

Note: The papers accepted for the conference “AEROSPATIAL 2022” will be presented in English language.


Part of the papers will be selected for publication in the scientific journal INCAS BULLETIN: (Print) ISSN 2066–8201, (Online) ISSN 2247–4528, ISSN–L 2066–8201, DOI: 10.13111/2066–8201, following favorable reviews.
INCAS BULLETIN is Open Access (OA).
INCAS BULLETIN is indexed in SCOPUS and other International Databases (BDI): Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Index Copernicus™ – Journals Master List, Crossref, ProQuest, EBSCOhost, Academic Journals Database, SCIPIO – Romanian Editorial Platform, DRJI, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI-SCHOLAR), SHERPA/ROMEO, WorldCat, J-Gate.


The Scientific Committee of the “AEROSPATIAL 2022” Conference will select a number of papers that will be published in RJTS-AM (following the favorable review process) which is indexed in International Databases (BDI).
RJTS-AM: Romanian Academy, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy,
2601-5811 (print), 2601-582X (online). More information on the website.


The papers that are accepted will be included in a printed volume Proceedings of the International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “AEROSPATIAL 2022”, ISSN 2067-8614, ISSN-L = 2067-8614
The papers shall be sent to the, in electronic form (MS Word and PDF).

The page setup shall be as follows: top-2 cm, bottom-2 cm, left-2 cm, right-2 cm, A4 format. The papers should not exceed 12 pages, font Times New Roman 11, single spacing, without diacritics, without page numbering.

The papers accepted for the conference “AEROSPATIAL 2022” shall be written in English.

The Conference printed version will include only the items presented at the conference and having a favourable review.


The Abstracts shall be written in English (the abstract shall not exceed 200 words, drawn up in MS Word, Times New Roman, 10 pt), before 23. 09.2022Template Abstract

The participants in the conference are asked to send the paper title and abstract to the following address:

Participants who want special presentations of their works (Plenary Lecture, Keynote) will mention it in a e-mail sent to the address

Registration may be done both for the Topics (1 – 8) of the Conference and for its “Associated Events”.

Participation fee

  • The fee for participation with article:200 LEI
  • The participation with article for students is free.
  • The participation fee can be paid at the INCAS headquarters in the very day of the conference: 200 LEI or by bank transfer, mentioning for: “AEROSPATIAL 2022” (see below)

Others fees:

  • The authors who pay the above mentioned fee can participate in the conference with a single paper.
  • For the second paper presented in the conference by the same author (as first author), the fee is 50 LEI.
  • The fee for participation with article also includes all the materials related to the conference (the Program, the Book of Abstracts).


For the Romanian authors the payment should be done in LEI for the foreign participants, please make the payment in Euro / Dolar. The three accounts are:

The three accounts are:

  • Cod IBAN RON: RO 86 RNCB 0290101344950001
  • Cod IBAN EUR: RO 59 RNCB 0290101344950002
  • Cod IBAN USD: RO 32 RNCB 0290101344950003

The address of the BCR Bank:
Blvd Iuliu Maniu no.190-192, bl.C1, area 6, Bucharest, Romania
Account Holder: INCAS Bucuresti
VAT: RO434670

Conference Program


Meeting rooms

13 October 2022

  • Link to join Conference Room 1 Amphitheater “Elie Carafoli”
  • Link to join Conference Room 2 – “Materials and Tribology UNIT”
  • Link to join Conference Room 3 – “Corp B, et.2”

14 October 2022

  • Link to join Conference Room 1 Amphitheater “Elie Carafoli”
  • Link to join Conference Room 2 – “Materials and Tribology UNIT” (Restricted Session)
  • Link to join Conference Room 3 – “Corp B, et.2”

In order to be able to support the works in the “online” format within the AEROSPATIAL 2022 conference, you need the following equipment / accessories:

  • PC or laptop;
  • Webcam;
  • Microphone;
  • Audio speakers.

List of participants

Final List of Participants with accepted papers up to date 03.10.2022

Invited Speakers

  • Section 1. Aerodynamics – S1
  • Section 2. Flight Mechanics and Systems Integration – S2
  • Section 3. Astronautics and Astrophysics – S3
  • Section 4. Materials and Structures – S4
  • Section 5. Systems, Subsystems and Control in Aeronautics – S5
  • Section 6. Experimental Investigations in Aerospace Sciences – S6
  • Section 7. ATS and full Automation ATM – S7
  • Section 8. Management in Aerospace Activities – S8

Events associated with of the conference

  • The “Nicolae TIPEI” Prize Award Ceremony, “Elie Carafoli” Amphiteatre – 14 October 2022
  • The “Gheorghe VASILCA” Prize Award Ceremony, “Elie Carafoli” Amphiteatre – 14 October 2022
  • Workshop “Detonation based propulsion systems” – 14 October 2022
  • Workshop “Automatic LAnding on MObile PLATform (ALAMOPLAT)” – 14 October 2022
  • Round Table – Current and future challenges in advanced materials and processes (INCAS – ILOT) – 14 October 2022
  • Exhibitions: SC. INAS. SA, CENIT, HEXAGON, INCAS, 13 – 14 October 2022

Partner in support of the Awards gala event

International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “AEROSPATIAL 2022″

The “AEROSPATIAL” Conferences held at the National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” – INCAS Bucharest (under the aegis of The Romanian Academy) are unique in Romania being the best meeting space for local and foreign researchers in the field of aviation research, Space and Security for presenting, disseminating and promoting the scientific research and the technological development results.

Visit the official page

8th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling in Aerospace Sciences

Following the measures taken by the Romanian authorities in the current epidemiological context, COVID-19, we inform you that the scientific event of the 8th International Workshop on Numerical Modeling in Aerospace Sciences, “NMAS 2020”, 20 – 21 May 2020, was rescheduled for 25-26 May 2022.

To the Participants: Professors, engineers, researchers and interested students are invited to participate in the 8th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling in Aerospace Sciences.

This 2-day workshop focuses on numerical simulations and their application in aerospace sciences both in launcher and satellite design and construction. Presentations from both academia as well as industrial partners will be given.

This workshop is organized by Romanian Space Agency (ROSA)INCAS  National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” and POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest.


  • launchers propulsion technologies and simulations of rocket engines
  • flight dynamics simulation
  • modelling of structural problems in aerospace airframes
  • system design for small satellites.

    Event associated with of the workshop
  • European Project Semester – Student Session


  • Abstracts submission10 May, 2022

The Abstractsshall be written in English (will have a minimum of 200 words or if they are “Extended Abstracts”, a maximum of 4 pages, drawn up in MS Word, Times New Roman, 10 pt) and they will be published in the Book of Abstracts.

The participants in the workshop are asked to send the paper title, abstract and author affiliation (institution name, address, e-mail, phone number) to the following e-mail address:

  • The deadline for the notification of accepted abstracts10 May, 2022
  • Full paper should be submitted by 15 May, 2022. Send by e-mail:

    NoteThe authors should have the final full paper document (.doc / .docx or .pdf) available at the latest before their presentation. The final full paper and the presentation will be handed over to the chairman.

    From 2018, “NMAS” strictly implements the policy: no paper, no presentation.


  • Regular fee – 100 RON
  • Student fee – Free
  • The fee is payable in cash at the Workshop registration on 25 May, 2022.

The papers presented at the Workshop “NMAS 2022” will be recorded on the DVD dedicated to the event under the heading: The 8th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling in Aerospace Sciences, code: ISSN 2360-1809, ISSN-L 2360-1809.

Presentations will be published in English in Power Point, Word or PDF.

Selected papers will be published in the scientific journal INCAS BULLETIN (Print) ISSN 2066–8201, (Online) ISSN 2247–4528, ISSN–L 2066–8201, DOI: 10.13111/2066–8201.

  • INCAS BULLETIN is Open Access (OA).
  • INCAS BULLETIN is indexed in SCOPUS and International Databases (BDI): Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Index Copernicus™ – Journals Master List, Crossref, ProQuest, EBSCOhost, Academic Journals Database, SCIPIO – Romanian Editorial Platform, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI-SCHOLAR), SHERPA/ROMEO, WorldCat, J-Gate and more.


  • INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” ( is the leading research establishment in aerospace sciences in Romania, with more than 70 years tradition in aerospace engineering, flow physics and applied aerodynamics, using state-of-the-art technologies and unique infrastructure of national strategic importance. INCAS has been involved in all major national aeronautical projects for civil and military areas, and currently is acting as a major player in EU policy for R&D development under FlightPath 2050 vision and future Horizon Europe program.

    President and General Director
    PhD Eng. Catalin NAE
  • Romanian Space Agency – ROSA ( was established in 1991 and reorganized by a Government Decision in 1995 as an independent public institution under the auspices of the Ministry of Research and Technology (actually, the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport). ROSA is the national co-ordinating body of the space activities.

    The missions of ROSA are to promote and coordinate development and national efforts in the field, and, as a Government representative, to promote international cooperation. In particular, ROSA is authorized to establish research and development centres oriented on specific objectives of the Romanian Space Programme.

    The President (since 2004) and Chief Executive Officer (since 1995) of ROSA is Mr. Marius-Ioan PISO, Ph.D. Prof.
    The Honor President is the Romanian cosmonaut Mr. Dumitru Dorin PRUNARIU Ph.D. Eng.
  • POLITEHNICA University Bucharest – UPB ( is the largest and the oldest technical university in the country and among the most prestigious universities in Romania.

    The tradition of our institution, developed in over 190 years through the effort of the most important nation’s schoolmasters and of the generations of students, is not the only convincing reason. Today, the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest is undergoing a continuous modernization process, being involved in a permanent dialogue with great universities in Europe and all over the world.

    The mission of the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest has been thought over as a blend of education, research and innovation, which represents a key towards a knowledge-based society and economy. Creating knowledge mainly by scientific research, giving it out by education and professional training, disseminating it by information technologies, as well as the use of technological innovation are elements that define the university distinctive profile.


  • Dr. Ruxandra BOTEZ, École de Technologie Supérieure, Université de Québec, Montreal, Canada
  • Dr. John MICOL, NASA Ames, SUA
  • Dr. Anders BLOM, Innovair, Swedich
  • Dr. Richard DEGENHARDT, DLR, Germany 
  • Dr. Marius-Ioan PISO, ROSA – Romanian Space Agency, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Dumitru PRUNARIU, ROSA – Romanian Space Agency, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Catalin NAE, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Liviu-Mihail COSEREANU, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Adriana STEFAN, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Mihai Victor PRICOP, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Sorin RADNEF, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Stefan BOGOS, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Ioan URSU, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Mircea RUSU, University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Daniel-Eugeniu CRUNTEANU, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Marius STOIA-DJESKA, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Petrisor PARVU, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Sterian DANAILA, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Octavian Thor PLETER, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Ion STROE, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania


  • Dr. Florin MINGIREANU, ROSA – Romanian Space Agency, Bucharest, Romania,
  • Prog. Elena NEBANCEA, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania,

For all questions please feel free to contact the Organizing Committee by e-mail.


  • Dr. Mihail BOTAN, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. George PELIN, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. George Catalin CRISTEA, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Phys. Sorina ILINA, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ec. Elena Dorina OLTEANU, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ec. Marilena GHEMULET, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • DTP. Valentin MIROIU, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania


  • QIAN Zhansen*, LENG Yan, WANG Di
    Progress and applications of ARI_Boom software for sonic boom prediction
    *Phd eng. Research Professor, AVIC Aerodynamics Research Institut, Shenyang, China
  • Iulian Constantin COROPEȚCHI, Alexandru VASILE, Dan Mihai CONSTANTINESCU*, Catalin R. PICU, Ștefan SOROHAN, Microstructural Design of Two-Phase Composites by using Finite Element Analyses with Greedy and Simulate Annealing Algorithms
    *Professor, Corresponding Member of the Technical Sciences Academy of Romania, Head of Department, Head of Laboratory for Modelling and Simulation of Behaviour and Damage of Material

Partner in support of the event
Chateau Vartely
Youtube Chateau Vartely

8th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling in Aerospace Sciences

Following the measures taken by the Romanian authorities in the current epidemiological context, COVID-19, we inform you that the scientific event of the  8th International Workshop on Numerical Modeling in Aerospace Sciences, “NMAS 2020”, 20 – 21 May 2020was rescheduled for 25-26 May 2022.

To the Participants: Professors, engineers, researchers and interested students are invited to participate in the 8th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling in Aerospace Sciences.

This 2-day workshop focuses on numerical simulations and their application in aerospace sciences both in launcher and satellite design and construction. Presentations from both academia as well as industrial partners will be given.

This workshop is organized by Romanian Space Agency (ROSA), INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” and POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest.


1 – launchers propulsion technologies and simulations of rocket engines

2 – flight dynamics simulation

3 – modelling of structural problems in aerospace airframes

4 – system design for small satellites.

Event associated with of the workshop

Exhibition: aerospace and defense industry


Abstracts submission12 April, 2022

The Abstractsshall be written in English (the abstract shall not exceed 200 words, drawn up in Word, Times New Roman, 10). The participants in the workshop are asked to send the paper title, abstract and author affiliation (institution name, address, e-mail, phone number) to the following e-mail address:

The deadline for the notification of accepted abstracts18 April, 2022

In order to be able to publish the papers in a timely manner on the DVD, ISSN 2360–1809, we kindly ask you to provide an “Extended Abstract” (up to 4 pages) or the paper presented at the Workshop,until 4 May, 2022.

Full paper should be submitted by 15 May, 2022. Send by e-mail:

Note: The authors should have the final full paper document (doc or pdf) available at the latest before their presentation. The final full paper and the presentation will be handed over to the chairman. From 2018, “NMAS” strictly implements the policy: no paper, no presentation.


Regular fee – 100 RON

Student fee– Free

The fee is payable in cash at the Workshop registration on 25 May, 2022.

The papers presented at the Workshop “NMAS 2022” will be recorded on the DVD dedicated to the event under the heading: the 8th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling in Aerospace Sciences, code: ISSN 2360-1809, ISSN-L 2360-1809.
For DVD, the “Extended Abstract”, (up to 4 pages) will be published in English in Power Point, Word or PDF.

 Selected papers will be published in the scientific journal INCAS BULLETIN / (Print) ISSN 2066–8201, (Online) ISSN 2247–4528, ISSN–L 2066–8201, DOI: 10.13111/2066–8201.

  • INCAS BULLETIN is Open Access (OA).
  • INCAS BULLETIN is indexed in International Databases (BDI): SCOPUS (Elsevier), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Index Copernicus™ – Journals Master List, Crossref, ProQuest, EBSCOhost, Academic Journals Database, SCIPIO – Romanian Editorial Platform, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI-SCHOLAR), SHERPA/ROMEO, WorldCat, J-Gate and more.


INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” ( is the leading research establishment in aerospace sciences in Romania, with more than 70 years tradition in aerospace engineering, flow physics and applied aerodynamics, using state-of-the-art technologies and unique infrastructure of national strategic importance. INCAS has been involved in all major national aeronautical projects for civil and military areas, and currently is acting as a major player in EU policy for R&D development under FlightPath 2050 vision and future Horizon Europe program.

President and General Director
PhD Eng. Catalin NAE

Romanian Space Agency – ROSA ( was established in 1991 and reorganized by a Government Decision in 1995 as an independent public institution under the auspices of the Ministry of Research and Technology (actually, the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport). ROSA is the national co-ordinating body of the space activities.

The missions of ROSA are to promote and coordinate development and national efforts in the field, and, as a Government representative, to promote international cooperation. In particular, ROSA is authorized to establish research and development centres oriented on specific objectives of the Romanian Space Programme.

The President (since 2004) and Chief Executive Officer (since 1995) of ROSA is Mr. Marius-Ioan PISO, Ph.D. Prof.
The Honor President is the Romanian cosmonaut Mr. Dumitru Dorin PRUNARIU Ph.D. Eng.

POLITEHNICA University Bucharest  UPB ( is the largest and the oldest technical university in the country and among the most prestigious universities in Romania.

The tradition of our institution, developed in over 190 years through the effort of the most important nation’s schoolmasters and of the generations of students, is not the only convincing reason. Today, the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest is undergoing a continuous modernization process, being involved in a permanent dialogue with great universities in Europe and all over the world.

The mission of the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest has been thought over as a blend of education, research and innovation, which represents a key towards a knowledge-based society and economy. Creating knowledge mainly by scientific research, giving it out by education and professional training, disseminating it by information technologies, as well as the use of technological innovation are elements that define the university distinctive profile.


Dr. Ruxandra BOTEZ, École de Technologie Supérieure, Université de Québec, Montreal, Canada

Dr. John MICOL, NASA Ames, SUA

Dr. Anders BLOM, Innovair, Swedich

Dr. Richard DEGENHARDT, DLR, Germany 

Dr. Marius-Ioan PISO, ROSA – Romanian Space Agency, Bucharest, Romania

Dr. Dumitru PRUNARIU, ROSA – Romanian Space Agency, Bucharest, Romania

Dr. Catalin NAE, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania

Dr. Liviu-Mihail COSEREANU, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania

Dr. Adriana STEFAN, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania

Dr. Victor Mihai PRICOP, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania

Dr. Sorin RADNEF, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania

Dr. Stefan BOGOS, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania

Dr. Ioan URSU, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania

Dr. Mircea RUSU, University of Bucharest, Romania

Dr. Daniel-Eugeniu CRUNTEANU, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania

Dr. Marius STOIA-DJESKA, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania

Dr. Petrisor PARVU, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania

Dr. Sterian DANAILA, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania

Dr. Octavian Thor PLETER, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania

Dr. Ion STROE, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania


Dr. Florin MINGIREANU, ROSA – Romanian Space Agency, Bucharest, Romania,

Prog. Elena NEBANCEA, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania,

For all questions please feel free to contact the Organizing Committee by e-mail.


Dr. Mihail BOTAN, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania

Dr. George PELIN, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania

Dr. George Catalin CRISTEA, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania

Phys. Sorina ILINA, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania

Ec. Elena Dorina OLTEANU, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania

Ec. Marilena GHEMULET, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania

DTP. Valentin MIROIU, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania

Workshop venue:The Workshop venue is located at INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bd. Iuliu Maniu no. 220, sector 6.


INCAS is located in the “Militari” District of Bucharest, nearby the “Pacii” subway station. One can also reach INCAS by trolleybus: Route 61 and Route 62 and by bus: Route 137, Route 138, Route 178 and Route 236, “Valea Cascadelor” Station.

For more informations see Route map of Bucharest.

The 39th “Caius Iacob” Conference on Fluid Mechanics and its Technical Applications

“Caius Iacob” conferences continue the series of our national meetings with international participation on “Fluid Mechanics and its Technical Applications” initiated and organized by acad. Caius Iacob. The goal of them was to create a larger framework where researchers from the field of theoretical mechanics and engineers from the area of industrial applications can meet, exchange experiences and expose the latest scientific results obtained in their fields.


  • Basic Methods in Fluid Mechanics
  • Equations of Mathematical Physics
  • Dynamical Systems
  • Mathematical Modeling
  • Technical Applications

Events associated with of the conference

  • WORKSHOP ASRO/CT 72 Aeronautică și spațiu – 28 October, 2021
  • The “Caius IACOB” Prize Award Ceremony – 29 October, 2021
  • The “Nicolae TIPEI” Prize Award Ceremony – 29 October, 2021
  • The “Gheorghe VASILCA” Prize Award Ceremony – 29 October, 2021


  • Abstracts submission: 30.09.2021 (Abstract_Template)
  • Acceptance confirmation: 15.10.2021
  • Registration:20.10.2021
  • Full papers submission for scientific journal INCAS BULLETIN: 10.11.2021


The participants in the conference are asked to send the paper title and abstract to the following address Abstract, no more than two pages, shall be written in English.


  • The fee for participation: 150 lei
  • The participation with article for students is free.
  • The fee for participation includes all the materials related to the conference.
  • More details on incoming Calls.


The participants are asked to make the payment in LEI or in Euro/Dolar (the equivalent of 150 lei), with the mention Participation fee for Conference “Caius IACOB”, 2021.

The three accounts are:
Cod IBAN RON: RO 86 RNCB 0290101344950001
Cod IBAN EUR:  RO 59 RNCB 0290101344950002
Cod IBAN USD:  RO 32 RNCB 0290101344950003

The address of the BCR Bank:Blvd Iuliu Maniu no.190-192, bl.C1, area 6, Bucharest, Romania


The papers will be published in the scientific journal INCAS BULLETIN.

  • The papers accepted for the conference “Caius Iacob” shall be written in English.
  • The papers shall be sent to the, in electronic form (Word and PDF).

A number of INCAS BULLETIN will include a selection (made by Scientific Committee of Conference) of the conference full papers and favorable refereed, in compliance with the instructions of editing and its specific stages.

INCAS BULLETIN(online) ISSN 2247–4528; (print) ISSN 2066–8201; ISSN–L 2066–8201DOI: 10.13111/2066–8201; INCAS BULLETIN is “Open Access” (OA).

INCAS BULLETIN is indexed in International Databases (BDI): SCOPUS (Elsevier), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Index Copernicus™ – Journals Master List, Crossref, ProQuest, EBSCOhost, Academic Journals Database, SCIPIO – Romanian Editorial Platform, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI-SCHOLAR), SHERPA/ROMEO, WorldCat, J-Gate. Instructions and editing model for INCAS BULLETIN can be found at:


The 39th “Caius Iacob” Conference on Fluid Mechanics and its Technical Applications will be held on 28-29 October 2021, in Bucharest at INCAS – National Institute of Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, B-dul Iuliu Maniu no.220, sector 6.

The INCAS is located in the Militari district of Bucharest, near by the subway station “Pacii”. One can reach INCAS also using trolleybuses route 61, route 62 and buses route 137, route 138, route 178 and route 236 Valea Cascadelor Station. For more informations see Route map of Bucharest .


  • INCAS ― National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” (under the aegis of the Romanian Academy), Bd. Iuliu Maniu, nr. 220, 061126 Bucharest,
  • ISMMA ― Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy “Gheorghe Mihoc ― Caius Iacob”, Bucharest, Calea 13 Septembrie, nr. 13, 050711 Bucharest,
  • University of Bucharest, Bd. Mihail Kogalniceanu, nr. 36-46, 050107 Bucharest,
  • “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Splaiul Independentei, nr. 313, 060042 Bucharest,


  • Dr. Mihai ARGHIR, Université de Poitiers, France
  • Dr. Stefan BALINT, West University of Timisoara, Romania
  • Acad. Dorel BANABIC, Engineering Sciences, The Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • Acad. Viorel BARBU, “Al. I. Cuza” University and Octav Mayer Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Iasi, Romania
  • Dr. Corneliu BERBENTE,“POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Ruxandra BOTEZ, École de technologie supérieure, Université de Quebec, Montreal, Canada
  • Dr. Sanda CLEJA-TIGOIU, University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Liviu-Mihail COSEREANU, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Daniel-Eugeniu CRUNTEANU, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Sterian DANAILA,“POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Florin DIMOFTE,Tribology Laboratory The University of Toledo, Office at NASA Glenn Research Center, Ohio, USA
  • Dr. Horia DUMITRESCU, ISMMA ― Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy “Gheorghe Mihoc – Caius Iacob”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Constantin FETECAU, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University, Iasi, Romania
  • Dr. Florin FRUNZULICA,  Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Dorel HOMENTCOVSCHI, Binghamton University, USA
  • Dr. Mircea LUPU, University “Transilvania”, Brasov, Romania
  • DrVictor MANOLIU, Aerospace Consulting, 061126 Bucharest, Romania
  • M.C. Acad. Gabriela MARINOSCHI,ISMMA  Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy “Gheorghe Mihoc  Caius Iacob”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Dan MATEESCU,McGill University, Montreal, Canada
  • M.C. Acad. Alexandru M. MOREGA, Engineering Sciences, The Romanian Academy,  “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Adrian MUNTEAN, Karlstad University, Swedish
  • Dr. Catalin NAE,INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Titus PETRILA, “Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Dr. Dan POLISEVSCHI, Institute of Mathematics “Simion Stoilow” of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Sorin RADNEF,INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Florin RADU, University of Bergen, Norway
  • Dr. Ruxandra STAVRE, Institute of Mathematics “Simion Stoilow” of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Adriana STEFAN, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Ion STROE, “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Victor TIGOIU, University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Ioan URSU,INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania


  • Dr. Corneliu BALAN, “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Romania, e-mail:
  • Dr. Liviu MARIN, University of Bucharest, Romania, e-mail:
  • Dr. Stelian ION, ISMMA  Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy “Gheorghe Mihoc  Caius Iacob”, Bucharest, Romania, e-mail:
  • Prog. Elena NEBANCEA, INCAS ― National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania, e-mail:

Invited Lecturers

– Prof. Dr. Eng. Ruxandra Mihaela BOTEZ | École de Technologie Supérieure, Université du Québec, LARCASE, 1100 Notre Dame West, Montréal, Qué., Canada, H3C-1K3,

– Prof. Dr. Eng. Corneliu BALAN, Diana BROBOANA, Ana-Maria BRATU | REOROM Laboratory, University POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania 

– Prof. Dr. habil. Adrian MUNTEAN | Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Karlstad University, Sweden, Centre for Societal Risk Research (CSR), Karlstad University, Sweden,

Partner in support of Awards gala event: Chateau Vartely ;

 Meeting rooms

28 October 2021: 

29 October 2021:

Note: In order to be able to support the works within the Caius Iacob conference, you need the following equipment / accessories: PC or laptop; Webcam; Microphone; Audio speakers.

WORKSHOP ASRO/CT 72 Aeronautica si spatiu – 28.10.2021

EREA Vision Study – The Future of Aviation in 2050

On the 1st of June, EREA presented the “EREA Vision Study – The Future of Aviation in 2050” in an official Handover Event with high-level representatives of the European Parliament and Council and the European aviation stakeholders: Mr. Manuel Heitor, Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education, Portugal, Mr. Marian-Jean Marinescu, MEP, Chair of the Sky and Space Intergroup and Mr. Michel Peters, EREA Chairman, NLR CEO.

The “EREA Vision Study – The Future of Aviation in 2050” is the update of the previously released “EREA vision for the future – Towards the future generation of Air Transport System” published in 2010. This new study, describing EREA’s own vision, has as objectives:

  • to share EREA’s vision with external stakeholders to help enhance cooperation,
  • to form the basis for EREA to support policy makers at national and European level,
  • to motivate EREA and its members to work together to common and ambitious goals, and
  • to engage with the general public, particularly on societal needs and sustainability for the aviation sector.

INCAS was successfully involved in the preparation of the EREA Study, as it reflects the intensive collaboration of over 100 EREA colleagues from 15 institutes and 13 countries.

The “EREA Vision Study – The Future of Aviation in 2050” is available for download on the EREA website:

International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “AEROSPATIAL 2020″

Call for papers


  • Abstracts submission30.08.2018
  • Acceptance confirmation07.09.2018
  • Registration opens10.08.2018
  • Submission of full papers for Proceedings (Printed version*): 15.08.2018 – 28.09.2018

Note: The papers accepted for the conference “AEROSPATIAL 2018” will be presented in English language

– Printed Conference Proceedings: ISSN 2067-8614, ISSN-L = 2067-8614

Note: Persons (institutions) who wish to register (collaborate) after the official data displayed, are invited to contact the organizers.


The “AEROSPATIAL” Conferences held within the National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” – INCAS Bucharest (under the aegis of The Romanian Academy) are unique in Romania being the best meeting space for local and foreign researchers in the field of aviation research, Space and Security for presenting, disseminating and promoting the scientific research and the technological development results.

Scientific Committee

  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Mihai ARGHIR, Université de Poitiers, France
  • Acad. Dorel BANABIC, Engineering Sciences, The Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Corneliu BERBENTE, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Ruxandra BOTEZ, École de Technologie Supérieure, Université de Quebec, Montreal, Canada
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Mircea BOSCOIANU, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Eng. Liviu COSEREANU, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Sterian DANAILA, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Eng. Pyerina Carmen GHITULEASA, National R&D Institute for Textiles and Leather – INCDTP, Bucharest, Romania
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Victor GIURGIUTIU, University of South Carolina, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia, USA
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Charles HIRSCH, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bruxelles, Belgium
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Vladimír HORÁK, University of Defence in Brno, Czech Republic
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Miroslav KELEMEN, The Faculty of Aeronautics, Technical University in Košice, the Slovak Republic
  • Dr. Eng. Victor MANOLIU, Aerospace Consulting, Bucharest, Romania
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Dan MATEESCU, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
  • Dr. Eng. Math. Catalin NAE, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Adriana NASTASE, Aerodynamik des Fluges, RWTH – Aachen, Germany
  • Col. (Gs.Ret) Prof. Dipl. Eng. Pavel NECAS, University of Security Management in Kosice, Slovakia
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Spiros PANTELAKIS, Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics University of Patras, EASN Association, Greece
  • Dr. Phys. Marius-Ioan PISO, ROSA – Romanian Agency, Bucharest, Romania
  • Cosmonaut, Dr. Eng. Dumitru PRUNARIU, ROSA – Romanian Space Agency, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Eng. Math. Sorin RADNEF, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Dimitris SARAVANOS, University of Patras, Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics, Applied Mechanics Laboratory, Patras, Greece
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter SCHOLZ, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), Department of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering, Aircraft Design and Systems Group (AERO), Hamburg, Germany
  • Conf. Dr. Eng. Marius STOIA-DJESKA, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Ion STROE, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Eng. Tiberius TOMOIAGA, A.C.T.T.M, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Math. Ioan URSU, INCAS –National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Ing. Jochen WILD, German Aerospace Center DLR, Braunschweig, Germany

Organizing Committee

  • Dr. Eng. Sefan BOGOS – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Dr. Phys. Andreea CALCAN – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Drd. Eng. Emil COSTEA – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Drd. Eng. Claudia DOBRE – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Dr. Eng. Dragos Daniel ION GUTA – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Prog. Elena NEBANCEA – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Dr. Eng. Constantin OLIVOTTO – AEROSPACE Consulting
  • Drd. Eng. Victor Mihai PRICOP – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Dr. Eng. Adriana STEFAN – INCAS, Bucharest
  • Eng. Simion TATARU – AEROSPACE Consulting

Secretarial Staff

  • PhD student Eng. Alina-Ioana CHIRA – INCAS, Bucharest, Romania
  • Eng. Florin COSTACHE -INCAS, Bucharest, Romania
  • PhD student Eng. Mihaela-Luminita COSTEA – INCAS, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ec. Marilena GHEMULET – INCAS, Bucharest, Romania
  • PhD student Eng. Camelia Elena MUNTEANU – INCAS, Bucharest, Romania
  • Eng. Sandra Elena NICHIFOR – INCAS, Bucharest, Romania
  • PhD student Eng. Ana-Maria NECULAESCU – INCAS, Bucharest, Romania
  • Valentin MIROIU – INCAS, Bucharest, Romania


Invited Plenary

Prof. Dr. Eng. Ruxandra Mihaela BOTEZ

ETS, University of Quebec, Montreal, Canada

“Various Wing Morphing Technologies Simulation and Experimental Tests Research”


Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics University of Patras, EASN, Greece

“(R)evolutionizing aircraft structures: Advances, trends, needs”

Dr. Ing. Jochen WILD

German Aerospace Center DLR, Braunschweig, Germany

“High-Lift Aerodynamics – another 100 years anniversary.”

Prof. Zdobyslaw GORAJ

Institute of Aviation, Poland

“Research and design activity in Institute of Aviation performed with cooperation of Warsaw University of Technology and focused on novel aircraft configurations”


ONERA, France

“New radar techniques and their applications to aviation: from research to anticipation of operational needs”

Prof. Ivica SMOJVER

University of Zagreb, Croatia

“Advanced Numerical Modeling of Impact and Other High Strain Rate Phenomena in Aeronautical Structures”

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. Michael WEIGAND

Vienna University of Technology, Austria

“Rotorcraft Transmissions: Improvement of traditional gearboxes, transmissions for new rotorcraft concepts, safety of drivetrains – approaches of TU Wien”

Prof. Dr. Ing. Adriana NASTASE

RWTH, Aachen University, Germany

“Exploration of Supersonic Flow Over Flying Configurations (Part 2)”

Conference Topics

The main topics of the “AEROSPATIAL 2020″ Conference are the following (additional topics could be included upon request):

  1. Aerodynamics

2. Flight Mechanics

3. Astronautics and Astrophysics

4. Materials and Structures

5. Systems, Subsystems and Control in Aeronautics

6. Experimental Investigations in Aerospace Sciences

7. ATS and full Automation ATM

8. Management in Aerospace Activities

Events associated with the conference:

  • Workshop “High Performance Composites Tooling (FITCoW)”
  • Workshop Project “CONTUR”
  • The “Nicolae TIPEI” Prize Award Ceremony – 16 October 2020 ( Regulament)
  • The “Gheorghe VASILCA” Prize Award Ceremony – 16 October 2020 ( Regulament)

Registration Form

The Abstracts shall be written in English (the abstract shall not exceed 200 words, drawn up in Word, Times New Roman, 10), before 30.08.2018. The participants in the conference are asked to send the paper title and abstract to the following address:

Those who receive confirmation of acceptance are asked to complete the Registration form (see website ) and to send it to the address until: 10.08.2018

Participants who want special presentations of their works (Plenary Lecture, Key Note) will mention it in a e-mail sent to the address, together with the Registration form.

Registration may be done both for the sections (1 – 8) of the Conference and for its “Associated Events”.

Note: Persons (institutions) who wish to register (collaborate) after the official data displayed, are invited to contact the organizers.

Participation Fee

The fee for participation with article: 200 LEI

The participation with article for students is free.

The participation fee can be paid at the INCAS headquarters in the very day of the conference: 200 LEI or by bank transfer, mentioning for: “AEROSPATIAL 2018” (see below).

Others fees

The authors who pay the above mentioned fee can participate in the conference with a single paper.

For the second paper presented in the conference by the same author (as first author), the fee is 50 LEI.

The fee for participation with article also includes all the materials related to the conference (the Program, the Book of Abstracts), coffee breaks, lunch and Gala Dinner.


For the Romanian authors the payment should be done in LEI for the foreign participants, please make the payment in Euro / Dolar.

The three accounts are:
Cod IBAN RON: RO 86 RNCB 0290101344950001
Cod IBAN EUR: RO 59 RNCB 0290101344950002
Cod IBAN USD: RO 32 RNCB 0290101344950003

The address of the BCR Bank:
Blvd Iuliu Maniu no.190-192, bl.C1, area 6, Bucharest, Romania
Account Holder: INCAS Bucuresti
VAT: RO434670


The papers that are accepted will be included in a volume (Printed Conference Proceedings). The papers shall be sent to the , in electronic form (Word and PDF).

The page setup shall be as follows: top-2 cm, bottom-2 cm, left-2 cm, right-2 cm, A4 format. The papers should not exceed 12 pages, font Times New Roman 11, single spacing, without diacritics, without page numbering.

The papers accepted for the conference “AEROSPATIAL 2018” shall be written in English.

The Conference printed version will include only the items presented at the conference and having a favourable review.

Note: The Volume of scientific papers “AEROSPATIAL 2018” can be purchased by those interested, by placing an order at a price that will be communicated in due time.

We inform you that for Proceedings the following codes were obtained from the ISSN National Center: (Print) ISSN 2067-8614, ISSN-L 2067-8614

Selected papers will be published in a Regular issues, of the scientific journal INCAS BULLETIN: (Print) ISSN 2066–8201, (Online) ISSN 2247–4528, ISSN–L 2066–8201, DOI: 10.13111/2066–8201
Deadline: 25.10.2018

INCAS BULLETIN is “Open Access” (OA).

INCAS BULLETIN is indexed in International Databases (BDI): Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Index Copernicus™ – Journals Master List, Crossref, ProQuest, EBSCOhost, Academic Journals Database, SCIPIO – Romanian Editorial Platform, DRJI, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI-SCHOLAR), SHERPA/ROMEO, WorldCat, J-Gate.

Conference Program


We invite all the Trading Companies or Aeronautical Societies interested in cooperating on the Conference organizing and carrying-on (in different ways: dissemination, proposals, scientific and technical contributions and also logistic and financial support) to let us know by addressing the organizing committee up to 14.10.2018 to be included on the collaborators list which will be mentioned in the Second Call, Book of Abstracts and website.

The sponsors will conclude a sponsorship agreement specific to the conference.

#AeroDays2020 Berlin, 24-26 November: Register now!

The innovation platform #AeroDays2020 FORUM aimed to provide feasible technological solutions for the strategies discussed at the #BAS2020. By concentrating on research, technology and innovation as enablers of climate neutrality, environmental protection and industrial leadership, the talks and panel discussions at the FORUM addressed the industry’s most urgent – and fascinating – issues. The #AeroDays2020 FORUM presented senior executives from different units of the European Commission discussing the future of aviation and the implementation of EU policy priorities, e.g. the European Green Deal, with leading representatives from the aviation industry and research. The dynamic talks and panel discussions at the #AeroDays2020 FORUM were open to all visitors and served as a platform for the dissemination and implementation of world-leading EU projects and technical programmes based on the Horizon 2020 framework.

#AeroDays2020 was the major aviation research event of the European Commission in 2020. Compared to previous AeroDays, this year’s conference appeared in a completely new format – close to the translation of research and technology into real industry products and right in the center of the professional public. Originally, it was planned to hold #AeroDays2020 in the run-up to the German EU Council Presidency as part of the aviation trade fair Innovation and Leadership in Aerospace (ILA) Berlin in May 2020. The measures made necessary by COVID-19 led to the #AeroDays2020 being moved to the city center of Berlin in the fall of 2020.

Please note:We are looking forward to welcoming you to the Future Lab FORUM as part of the aviation trade fair Innovation and Leadership in Aerospace (ILA) in 2022 again!

The 39th “Caius Iacob” Conference on Fluid Mechanics and its Technical Applications

“Caius Iacob” conferences continue the series of our national meetings with international participation on “Fluid Mechanics and its Technical Applications” initiated and organized by acad. Caius Iacob. The goal of them was to create a larger framework where researchers from the field of theoretical mechanics and engineers from the area of industrial applications can meet, exchange experiences and expose the latest scientific results obtained in their fields.


  1. Basic Methods in Fluid Mechanics
  2. Equations of Mathematical Physics
  3. Dynamical Systems
  4. Mathematical Modeling
  5. Technical Applications

Events associated with of the conference

  • The “Caius IACOB” Prize Award Ceremony
  • The “Nicolae TIPEI” Prize Award Ceremony
  • The “Gheorghe VASILCA” Prize Award Ceremony
  • Visits in the “top laboratories” of the INCAS, Bucharest


  • Abstracts submission: 30.09.2021
  • Acceptance confirmation: 15.10.2021
  • Registration:20.10.2021
  • Full papers submission for scientific journal INCAS BULLETIN: 10.11.2021


The participants in the conference are asked to send the paper title and abstract to the following address Abstract, no more than two pages, shall be written in English.


  • The fee for participation: 150 lei
  • The participation with article for students is free.
  • The fee for participation includes all the materials related to the conference.
  • More details on incoming Calls.


The participants are asked to make the payment in LEI or in Euro/Dolar (the equivalent of 150 lei), with the mention Participation fee for Conference “Caius IACOB”, 2021.

The three accounts are:
Cod IBAN RON: RO 86 RNCB 0290101344950001
Cod IBAN EUR:  RO 59 RNCB 0290101344950002
Cod IBAN USD:  RO 32 RNCB 0290101344950003

The address of the BCR Bank: Blvd Iuliu Maniu no.190-192, bl.C1, area 6, Bucharest, Romania


The papers will be published in the scientific journal INCAS BULLETIN.

  • The papers accepted for the conference “Caius Iacob” shall be written in English.
  • The papers shall be sent to the, in electronic form (Word and PDF).

A number of INCAS BULLETIN will include a selection (made by Scientific Committee of Conference) of the conference full papers and favorable refereed, in compliance with the instructions of editing and its specific stages.

ISSN 2066–8201; ISSN–L 2066–8201; 
INCAS BULLETIN is “Open Access” (OA).

INCAS BULLETIN is indexed in International Databases (BDI): SCOPUS (Elsevier), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Index Copernicus™ – Journals Master List, Crossref, ProQuest, EBSCOhost, Academic Journals Database, SCIPIO – Romanian Editorial Platform, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI-SCHOLAR), SHERPA/ROMEO, WorldCat, J-Gate. Instructions and editing model for INCAS BULLETIN.

ISSN 2247–4528 DOI: 10.13111/2066–8201 Notes for authors


The 39th “Caius Iacob” Conference on Fluid Mechanics and its Technical Applications will be held on 28-29 October 2021, in Bucharest at INCAS – National Institute of Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, B-dul Iuliu Maniu no.220, sector 6.

The INCAS is located in the Militari district of Bucharest, near by the subway station “Pacii”. One can reach INCAS also using trolleybuses route 61, route 62 and buses route 137, route 138, route 178 and route 236 Valea Cascadelor Station. For more informations see Route map of Bucharest .


  • INCAS ― National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” (under the aegis of the Romanian Academy), Bd. Iuliu Maniu, nr. 220, 061126 Bucharest,
  • ISMMA ― Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy “Gheorghe Mihoc ― Caius Iacob”, Bucharest, Calea 13 Septembrie, nr. 13, 050711 Bucharest,
  • University of Bucharest, Bd. Mihail Kogalniceanu, nr. 36-46, 050107 Bucharest,
  • “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Splaiul Independentei, nr. 313, 060042 Bucharest,


  • Dr. Mihai ARGHIR, Université de Poitiers, France
  • Dr. Stefan BALINT, West University of Timisoara, Romania
  • Acad. Dorel BANABIC, Engineering Sciences, The Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • Acad. Viorel BARBU, “Al. I. Cuza” University and Octav Mayer Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Iasi, Romania
  • Dr. Corneliu BERBENTE, “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Ruxandra BOTEZ, École de technologie supérieure, Université de Quebec, Montreal, Canada
  • Dr. Sanda CLEJA-TIGOIU, University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Liviu-Mihail COSEREANU, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Sterian DANAILA, “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Florin DIMOFTE, Tribology Laboratory The University of Toledo, Office at NASA Glenn Research Center, Ohio, USA
  • Dr. Horia DUMITRESCU, ISMMA ― Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy “Gheorghe Mihoc – Caius Iacob”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Constantin FETECAU, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University, Iasi, Romania
  • Dr. Dorel HOMENTCOVSCHI, Binghamton University, USA
  • Dr. Mircea LUPU, University “Transilvania”, Brasov, Romania
  • Dr. Victor MANOLIU, Aerospace Consulting, 061126 Bucharest, Romania
  • M.C. Acad. Gabriela MARINOSCHI, ISMMA ― Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy “Gheorghe Mihoc ― Caius Iacob”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Dan MATEESCU, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
  • Dr. Alexandru MOREGA, “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Adrian MUNTEAN, Karlstad University, Swedish
  • Dr. Catalin NAE, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Titus PETRILA, “Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Dr. Dan POLISEVSCHI, Institute of Mathematics “Simion Stoilow” of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Sorin RADNEF, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Florin RADU, University of Bergen, Norway
  • Dr. Ruxandra STAVRE, Institute of Mathematics “Simion Stoilow” of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Adriana STEFAN, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Ion STROE, “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Victor TIGOIU, University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Dr. Ioan URSU, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania


  • Dr. Corneliu BALAN, “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Romania, e-mail:
  • Dr. Liviu MARIN, University of Bucharest, Romania, e-mail:
  • Dr. Stelian ION, ISMMA ― Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy “Gheorghe Mihoc ― Caius Iacob”, Bucharest, Romania, e-mail:
  • Prog. Elena NEBANCEA, INCAS ― National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania, e-mail:

ISSN 2066–8201 DOI: 10.13111/2066–8201


Dr. Stelian ION – ISMMA, e-mail: ; Tel. 021 318 81 06/ 3414
Prog. Elena NEBANCEA – INCAS, e-mail: ; Tel. 0769 054 964; Fax. 021.434 00 82

Concurs posturi

 INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE CERCETARE – DEZVOLTARE AEROSPATIALĂ “ELIE CARAFOLI” I.N.C.A.S. Bucureşti, cu sediul in Bucuresti, Bd. Iuliu Maniu 220, Sector 6, CP 061126, Tel: +40 21 434.00.83, organizează concurs pentru:

-un post de tehnician, program lucru 4 ore/zi;
-un post de asistent de cercetare, program lucru 4 ore/zi.


– Poziția de technician vizează studenți/ absolvenți din domeniile Fizica Atmosferei, Chimia Mediului, Științele Mediului, Științe Aerospațiale, respectiv absolvenți de școli tehnice cu competețe în domeniile menționate.

– Poziția de asistent de cercetare vizează studenți/ absolvenți din domeniile Fizica Atmosferei, Chimia Mediului, Științele Mediului, Științe Aerospațiale, respectiv absolvenți de școli tehnice cu competețe în domeniile menționate.

 Dosarele de înscriere la concurs se primesc până la data de 07.07.2021, la sediul I.N.C.A.S. Bucureşti – Serviciul Resurse Umane.

International Workshop on Numerical Modelling in Aerospace Sciences

Following the measures taken by the Romanian authorities in the current epidemiological context, COVID-19, we inform you that the scientific event of the  8th International Workshop on Numerical Modeling in Aerospace Sciences, “NMAS 2020”, 20 – 21 May 2020was rescheduled for 25-26 May 2022.

To the Participants: Professors, engineers, researchers and interested students are invited to participate in the 8th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling in Aerospace Sciences.

This 2-day workshop focuses on numerical simulations and their application in aerospace sciences both in launcher and satellite design and construction. Presentations from both academia as well as industrial partners will be given.

This workshop is organized by Romanian Space Agency (ROSA), INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” and POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest.


1 – launchers propulsion technologies and simulations of rocket engines

2 – flight dynamics simulation

3 – modelling of structural problems in aerospace airframes

4 – system design for small satellites.

Event associated with of the workshop

Exhibition: aerospace and defense industry


Abstracts submission12 April, 2022

The Abstractsshall be written in English (the abstract shall not exceed 200 words, drawn up in Word, Times New Roman, 10). The participants in the workshop are asked to send the paper title, abstract and author affiliation (institution name, address, e-mail, phone number) to the following e-mail address:

The deadline for the notification of accepted abstracts18 April, 2022

In order to be able to publish the papers in a timely manner on the DVD, ISSN 2360–1809, we kindly ask you to provide an “Extended Abstract” (up to 4 pages) or the paper presented at the Workshop,until 4 May, 2022.

Full paper should be submitted by 15 May, 2022. Send by e-mail:

Note: The authors should have the final full paper document (doc or pdf) available at the latest before their presentation. The final full paper and the presentation will be handed over to the chairman. From 2018, “NMAS” strictly implements the policy: no paper, no presentation.


Regular fee – 100 RON

Student fee– Free

The fee is payable in cash at the Workshop registration on 25 May, 2022.

The papers presented at the Workshop “NMAS 2022” will be recorded on the DVD dedicated to the event under the heading: the 8th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling in Aerospace Sciences, code: ISSN 2360-1809, ISSN-L 2360-1809.
For DVD, the “Extended Abstract”, (up to 4 pages) will be published in English in Power Point, Word or PDF.

 Selected papers will be published in the scientific journal INCAS BULLETIN / (Print) ISSN 2066–8201, (Online) ISSN 2247–4528, ISSN–L 2066–8201, DOI: 10.13111/2066–8201.

  • INCAS BULLETIN is Open Access (OA).
  • INCAS BULLETIN is indexed in International Databases (BDI): SCOPUS (Elsevier), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Index Copernicus™ – Journals Master List, Crossref, ProQuest, EBSCOhost, Academic Journals Database, SCIPIO – Romanian Editorial Platform, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI-SCHOLAR), SHERPA/ROMEO, WorldCat, J-Gate and more.


We are very glad to announce that registrations to the #AeroDays2020 are open! This year, the #AeroDays2020 will be taking place in a format adapted to the current COVID-19 situation with an on-site-program for speakers and guests on the stage of the Meistersaal in Berlin along with an online-service via streaming platform for virtual participants. Two technical events – the Berlin Aviation Summit (24th of November) and the FORUM (25th and 26th of November) – form the core parts of #AeroDays2020 in Germany.

Concurs post de Inginer in specialitatea

INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE CERCETARE – DEZVOLTARE AEROSPATIALĂ “ELIE CARAFOLI” I.N.C.A.S. Bucureşti, cu sediul in Bucuresti, Bd. Iuliu Maniu 220, Sector 6, CP 061126, Tel: +40 21 434.00.83, organizeaza concurs, pentru ocuparea unui post de Inginer in specialitatea – Masini si Sisteme Hidraulice si Pneumatice, sectia Sisteme, Laborator Hidraulica.

Responsabilitati :

  • Verificare si revitalizare sisteme hidraulice si pneumatice;
  • Punerea in functiune a instalatiilor pentru teste;
  • Proiecte de executie pentru standuri de experimentari.

Cerinte :

  • Studii superioare în domeniul tehnic absolvite cu diplomă de licență. Absolvent al Facultatii de Inginerie Mecanică și Mecatronică (Specializare Masini hidraulice si pneumatice);
  • Vechime in domeniu minim 10 ani;
  • Cunoștințe de limba engleză (nivel mediu);
  • Abilități bune de analiză și sinteză;
  • Lucrul în echipă și în condiții de stress.

Dosarele de inscriere la concurs se primesc pana la data de 15.02.2020, la sediul INCAS- Compartiment Resurse Umane.

Data sustinerii concursului se va anunta ulterior pe site-ul INCAS.

Posturi de ingineri specialisti in Analiza Structuri

Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Aerospatiala “Elie Carafoli” – I.N.C.A.S. Bucuresti anunță scoaterea la concurs a 4 posturi de ingineri specialisti in Analiza Structuri, cu contract individual de munca pe o perioada determinata, in cadrul proiectelor Space Rider Cold Structure, Space Rider Drop Test, RoRCraft, cu urmatoarele cerinte:

– studii superioare in domeniul tehnic – inginerie aerospatiala, mecanic;

– cunostinte avansate atat in tehnica de modelare cu MSC Patran si/sau MSC Apex si/sau Hypermesh, cat si in calculul cu solver-ul Nastran;

– experienta in pre si post procesarea datelor de analiza cu MSC Patran;

– experienta in calculul analitic al structurilor locale din metal sau compozit: dimensionare, calculul jonctiunilor, stabilitate, oboseala;

– abilitate in utilizarea programelor Microsoft Office: Excel, Word;

– cunostinte solide de limba engleza;

– capabil sa lucreze in echipa;

– acuratete, rapiditate, orientare spre rezultate, tenacitate, atentie distributiva.

Termenul limita de depunere a dosarelor este 30 zile de la publicarea pe site-ul INCAS.

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