55th Materials CapTech meeting and back-to-back Workshop on “Advanced Materials for Acoustic Signature Management”, June 13th -14th
Romanian Ministry of Defence and INCAS are pleased to invite members of the EDA Materials CapTech to the 55th Meeting and back-to-back Workshop on “Advanced Materials for Acoustic Signature Management” an event that will be hosted by INCAS - National Institute for Aerospace Research "Elie Carafoli", 13-14 June 2023.

The 55th Materials CapTech meeting is associated to the Workshop on ““Advanced Materials for Acoustic Signature Management”, jointly organized with the Maritime CapTech, whose members are kindly invited and, in addition, stakeholders interested in this development area can participate, provided they were registered. The aim of this workshop is to identify the relevant development lines in this domain for a potential OB EDA project, in collaboration with the Maritime CapTech.
The Workshop will take place on June 13th at the INCAS premises (“Elie Carafoli” Amphitheatre) from 9.30 to 18.00, including the visit to INCAS labs and Wind Tunnel facility.
On June 14th, the 55th Materials CapTech meeting will start with the ICARO Programme Management Committee (PMC) meeting n.1 in at the INCAS Subsonic Wind Tunnel building, with restricted participation of only the PMC members of the EDA/AA countries, signatories of the ICARO Programme. In parallel, a non-governmental session will take place in the INCAS “Elie Carafoli” Amphitheatre.
The main objectives of the 55th Materials CapTech meeting are to review the pending actions, to update on EDA activities and to review of the status of ongoing projects. Furthermore, as outcome of the Workshop on Advanced materials for acoustic signature management, another important objective is to reach a sound basis for potential EDA OB project in this domain and to align on the 2023 and 2024 Materials CapTech meeting dates and related workshops.